Thursday, August 14, 2008

Positive things...

I get my new hot glasses soon.

No more court

By the end of month I will have another account paid off.

I get to work in Jacki's new room on swaps.

I am going to conventional on 17th and 18th w/ stampin friends, yay

Ugh I can't wake up today

I eyes won't even fully open. I grabbed a Frappicino in the bottle from the store and its not doing the trick.

Yesterday was a very long and draining day. Court then work until 11:30 home at 12:30.

But I am going to be able to make my time up. Number one sleep, Fuck sleep right? No love sleep lots of sleep. So I'll try but its a long shot to go to sleep early tonight.

So looking forward to lunch, two hours.

Wake up!!!!!!!!! Thats me yelling at myself. I need my first wind.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jury Duty over

I was obviously very pissed in my earlier post. I think i have used up all of my fucks for the month, haha.

I am okay. I served my time and ended up on a jury.

Today it ended and I was fortunate enough to be an alternate. I was able to leave with another woman and the rest had to stay and fight it out.

It was not a cut and dry case and I am glad I am here at work. i decided to come in and try to get my real pay.

I do have to say I got into this case and was ready to state my opinion. My opinion was Guilty. i recieved a call from the court and jury stated Not Guilty. So it is definatley a good thing I got to go home.

I am very happy that it is over and I understand someone family or friend may be in this situation needing a jury. You want people in your corner, either way.

So I had some horrible feelings all 3 days about everything. Thank you that is was short and thank you for being over.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Soooo fucking pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep Im back briefly and pissed as FUCK. i got mother fucking jury duty and they can shove that fucking obligation of a fucking citizen up there fucking ass.

My fucking pay check is going to be fucking affected, I have specific people that need to be paid and the fact that I even half to jump through all of the damn hoops to try to get my full amount of money that my pay check is supposed to be just pisses me off even MORE.

I have Conventional next week, I need to do fucking something for that. Hence I only get Sunday off this week. Fuck a jury seriously. Not this fucking week. i guess its good its not next week. But it could of been on my short week and there wouldn't be soooooooo much anger. I prepared myself for this but when I found out it was going to be for week or longer. Nope fucking lost it. i don't have the time or patience for other peoples problems. I don't feel like acting like God this week either.

Sarah told me she sat for three days for 8 hours each doing nothing...NOTHING i have no time for nothing better things can be done. I would rather do NOTHING on my time. Then got on a trial where they let the guy off. Come on!

I know myself and i know I can't sit back and let that happen. Who knows what will happen but I might as well get it all out of my system now.

i thing the judicial system is bunk and always have. I am sure this is just going to prove my point even further.

I don't see a positive here at all. Sorry but I don't so now that I have freaked the fuck out all over my blog I am going to go on with my day and try to Enjoy tomorrow, my only fucking day off and not by choice.

Im out..............