Saturday, July 28, 2007

Yeah i am blogging random

This is for Jacki...
Here are some random pics
One is my moms new steps, shes a hot stepper now!!!
The church came over and did tons of stuff out of the goodness of their hearts for my mom. I will post more pics at a later date.
The other is not the greatest picture of me. But it is me and Sarah that day.
She was sweaty from working on the deck and I was jumping on the trampoline.
yep me working hard
I did later when I cleaned the out side of the house.
By the way I am well and I will blog again soon sorry no blogs lately.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Desk

So this is my desk at work.

So if you click on the pic you can see everything closer.

I have my new flat screen I got yesterday with a new fun keyboard. I am still getting used to both.

I have my cork board that I had put up. Funny thing I had this put up for two reasons:

1.I am very forgetful and need to remember things.

2. i didn't want to look at someone. I don't remember who but we would of had to face each other. How stupid.

I have my fun pics: Me and Jacki are in the monkey head. We were at starved rock. Love this picture more for why we were there. I have a pretty old pic of Dennis and me I thinkl I took this from my last job 6 years ago. A pic of me, Jacki and Sarah. fun fun at her Sarah's Bday. A pic of Dennis at Navy Pier for an Anniversary. There is a tiny pic of me and Jackie(can you find it) at a Lighthouse Mall in Michigan City. And last but not least Mia. She is too cute and her smile makes me smile.

Some funny things My monitor has eyes and a mouth. For years i kept all of my monitors this way. whatever gets me through the day. I had to stab the stars through the monkeys hand on my phone. Ouch. I kept a good luck charm from Jacki's Bridal shower. I brought it to work and that is where it has been ever since. It is a purple flower on one end and a shamrock on the other. Funny, i wonder what everyone else did with theres.

Thats about it its my home away from home.

You will see random monkeys everywhere also. I love monkeys

Orange Creme Frappachino

Holy Yummy!!!!! This little guy is a taste of heaven. It tastes just like a Dreamsicle.

So first time I had one of these, I was with Jacki at the Orland drive through and I didn't want any coffee. So I tried it. I even got Jacki addicted to it.

I had one of these today it was next to the Jimmy Johns that I went to lunch at. OOOH!

SO I could of had a diet coke or this, Thank you but I will take this. I have been really good at drinking my diet pop. So I splurged on this. If you like Dreamscicles you'll love this. Some people hate dreamsicles, I think Dennis does?

Of course Ice cream is good in general. I mean I am lactose intollerant and I love ice cream. Okay and it helps that my Dad owns Frosty Tips.

wow what a rant. Well I hope everyone is happy seeing some posts to read while i am off work.

Pretty Sky

If you click on the sky is becomes huge on your screen and you feel like you in the clouds.

This is what I saw driving home yesterday. How beautiful! I took this picture by putting the camera on the steering wheel while in motion. I wanted to take a picture of the sunset but I never got a redlight on Weber rd. Poo!

Either way I loved the weather also. Nice cool breeze. I hate being hot and sticky and hot wind is even worse. Yeah Hot sticky wind sucks. I made a funny.

So after the picture was taken my friend Jayme came to visit with me. She is living in Iowa she just moved 6 months agoish I think. It feels like a long time. I used to see her at my stamp camps all of the time. We have been friends for at least 8 years now.

Well we went to Olive Garden, yummy to my tummy. We had fun just talking and eating.

Its too bad we didn't have more time to catch up more, so thank god for blogs.

Crabby Patty...

I have been kinda crabby out of nowhere. I think it is horomones or something. Because I have no reason to be crabby. I mean I am kinda bored. And I am doing everything not to think about things that bother me. It is like trying to get a lid on a rubbermaid container. I keep pushing the lid down but it won't stay down and pops back up.

Whatever. I want to be back on top of everything. Dennis is bringing home money, but so much damage has been done otherwise. I don't have a bandaid big enough to fix it. Dammit.

So things I should do Monday that I don't want to do:

Take car to see why my right front tire area is making noise.

Go see Gyne Dr. for reasons that scare me

Talk to people who want money

Fun things that I would rather do:

Go shopping - I haven't been able to go shopping for fun stuff, I miss it

Get a new hair style, I am so over mine. It always has to be up

I would like new contacts - Moisturewear maybe my other contacts were horrible that is why i did'nt wear them so much. I literally wanted to rip my eyes out by the end of the day.
So as I was getting crabby trying to find a stupid picture of a krabby patty. Someone calls me up all retarted about the mouse not working on the computer. She wants me to train her or something, on what that you can't move to the computer next to you, you have freaking three of them. Come on.
I promise the cabby patty has left the building or according to sponge bob the "krusty Krab"
Funny i just learned about sponge bob while looking for a krabby patty. I though it was a friend of his. HEEHEE.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Eeew gross

Well last night was interesting. I got off work and drove home just to get back in the car and drive to Wilmington to pick up Dennis's car. I was so tired that I made Dennis drive. So I just looked at ads and my catty. We had to run a couple small errand when we got back so it was getting late. Either way a couple of hours later my stomach started to hurt. I thought nothing but it wasn't going away. So I tried to lay down, scrunch up, and drink pop to burp. Well I had one burp too many and threw up. Yea out of freaking nowhere. I haven't thrown up in a very long time. So I went straight to bed. I feel fine today it was so weird.

So I am at work contemplating what I should do next. I need to come up with a schedule until Sept for my camps. This is actually a task from my upline and of course best friend Jacki. I really need to get that figured out before the 11th. I do need to make calls also. Boo. I would rather sit and stare at the wall.

I am going to be busy this week:
Sunday: I am going to the Taste of Chicago, this is something that me and Dennis try to do every year if we can. I have been more than him, but he really likes to go. We were supposed to go on Monday, but he had to work. I would prefer to go on a weekday but it is the last day of the Taste tomorrow.

Monday: I have driving school, nice huh. Yeah not to happy about that one. Then I work at Frosty Tips from 7- 9:30. Bye bye whole day.

Tuesday: Open Frosty Tips 12-5 then take two hours off and work from 7-9:30. We are short handed and the girl we just hired quit. Are you kinding me she worked 4 hours, what a wimp.
So me and Sarah pick up the slack. I do have to day she picks up more because she is avilable more. Oh I also get my big stampin up order that day. I need to come up with a class somehow.
So again bye bye day.

Wednesday: Is my stamp camp, I will probably still working on ideas and coming up with my class so the day will go to stamping.

Thurs-Sat: Back to work. Bleeeh!

So theres an overview of my supossed days off. Ha!

I have another funny quote from Dennis this time:
Me and him were getting ready to go pick up food. I was sitting at the table and Dennis was cleaning the table off. In the background South Park was on. All of a sudden I hear "Stupid Wop Dago" from the TV. As soon as Dennis hears this he stops what he is doing and just says "Whoa!"
By the way everyone Dennis is Italian. I started laughing uncontrollable and hes like "you really find that funny" I say "yea" I was just laughing at his reaction we are just chillin and we heard it in the background. He said on the ride that he almost got offended and of course I started laughing again. You probably had to be there but he doesn't get offended by those words.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Weekend Update

Hope everyone had a great 4th. I worked most of the day, but was still able to get to see the fireworks.

I am vowing that I will see the fireworks next year on the golf course, it is the best place to be. I really enjoy just laying down on the grass watching them go off.

Well other than that I enjoyed my time off Me and my sister Sarah went to Ribfest and had fun people watching. I was busy Monday explained in last blog. Tuesday worked at Frosty Tips and went swimming. I kept busy I feel like I drove more than anything.

Anyway back to work and thankfully I am keeping busy. It makes the day go by so much faster.

I do want to post a quote from my youngest sister Lindsay, Sarah told me this and it was too funny. Both of my sisters were fishing and saw the biggest fish they had ever seen in the lake. So they went back and were explaining what it looked like and how big it was to my mom. My mom thought it could be a bass. So Lindsay said in the most serious face "wouldn't that be an extra large mouth bass". I thought that was cute. Hi Goog!

Have a good day everyone.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Cleaning UP! Kinda like Stampin UP without the stamps...haha

Hi I usually don't post on my days off. Well it would help to have a computer.

I am cleaning my moms house today. she is paying me $$$$$ Sweet. I'll take it. I clean my house for free. Well I can't say I clean the house, Dennis does most of the cleaning he like that stuff. And the fact that he is OCD about it.

So I ran around like a pyscho today. I took lunch to Dennis at his work site in Braidwood, got lost. i hate Braidwood by the way. I went to see may mom at work at Docs in Coal City for about 3 seconds and she paid me. Now I am at her house cleaning. Not so bad I guess.

I totally fried my self yesterday. I am literally fried. i didn't wear any sun block. Naughty Naughty. Well i am feeling it now. I hate being sunburned. Not that anyone like it but I can feel the heat imminating from my shoulder.

So funny thing happened to me;
I am sitting here typing and I had turned the TV off because the song was so bad on TV I wanted to shoot myself, so I pressed mute. Typing away and something touched me like a little hand. I am in the house with two cats and a dog. Well I did that whole scared sucking in thing ad scared the crap out of the cat. My cat tootsie I forgot likes to grab with her paw when she is hungary. Yep she climbs up. She is putting her tail in my face now.

So I will get back to house work.

And remember always wear sunscreen....