Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Supermoms to the rescue...

Shout out to Jayme and Jacki:

You guys are awesome and are doing a great job juggling 2 kids and husbands and dogs and god only knows what else.

I can see why are mothers wanted to slap us silly when we complained or whined about anything. Being a mother is a not even a full time job. Fulltime job is 40 hours weeks and I know you guys work harder and longer than that. Its amazing what mothers do and how it comes so naturally. Its more of a 24/7/365 job. No breaks for mommy.

I really respect that my mother had 3 little kids close together and a husband that worked late. She was 20 and didn't know anything about raising kids. Mothers keep us alive and only look out for our well being. And we don't fully see that until we grow up. Mothers Day should be Mothers Week and everything should be done for them and everything should be free.

Thats what we were put on this earth for. I will try to never say that I am too busy around you. But if I do it is busy in my world not in general because you guys take the cake and I commend you for that.

I spent a day with Jacki and the kids and we had an awesome time but everything is fast paced, which doesn't bother me i prefer it. But it is really unpredictable. And I see that you take your personal time when you got it. And girls take it however you want it. House work will still be there and any other things that aren't an emergency. Keep yourselves sane however that way may be. You are already supermoms are you going for infinite supermoms, probably.

I really want you two to know I may not have kids. But I try to fully understand even if I have to spend the day with you. (Jayme I promise I will come see you.)

Note- me and Jacki were just talking for the 3rd time today and this prompted me to blog this.

You Girls Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jacki McHale said...

Aww thanks for the props. It is insane around here. But it's my crazyness, and watching your reaction to my everyday madness made me realize that I am pretty good at what I do.

And your busy is your busy, like we talked about. It's no less then ours, we moms just laugh at how we could be busy before kids, and now we through keeping kids alive each day!