Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fighting over a sandwich

I am going to make this short.

Dennis is hungry

Dennis makes a sandwich for himself

Dennis makes a sandwich for me

Dennis makes a sandwich for his mother.

She freaks out because she wanted hers first or something stupid.

All I know was Dennis was hungry and then as we are eating the crazy bitch has a fit about a stupid sandwich. Totally pisses me off and kinda got in my face. Not cool I am not a little kid anymore and you really need to get a life you jealous psycho bitch.

Either way less and less time is spent there because they drive me up a fucking wall.

So the tiny amount of time that I did spend there just pissed me off and enraged Dennis.

Seriously I get an hour maybe with Dennis before I have to go home. Leave us the fuck alone. Seriously we don't fucking bother you. What point are you trying to make. Its not like we are fucking in the breeze way or anything just conversation. God forbid.

So I found out the crazy bitch fed the sandwich to the dog because she didn't get her way. HA! So fucking childish.

So fuck your food your water your anything in that house because unless I really have to use anything I bring my own.

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