Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 2 of 6

Well today went by quicker than yesterday. I stayed busy pretty much all day. I felt tired and had some weird tensing in my neck that freaked me out a little. Over all I can't complain.

Today started with me going to the bank in Shorewood then across the street to State farm to drop off my payment. Then off to work. I got in all ready to eat my oatmeal and someone brought crispy creme's and bagels. Yummy. The rest of the day went by in a flash. I had work to do a system was going in so they called for me to do little things and then the system crashed and the whole casino was in an uproar. I didn't do I am just the messenger. Either way I am glad that my boss is gone so i can relax.

I get off at 8:00 and I have been doing really good at coming in at my right time to get all of my hours. I have them all planned out so I have to just stick to it. So I can get the big check.

Thats day 2 almost over and ready to sleepy sleep.

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