Saturday, June 14, 2008

200 invitations all handmade...

Sarah is making her friends 200 wedding invitations. Everything has been cut but there is the embossing that needs to be done first before any pieces go together.

Thats where I come in it really takes two people to do this in a normal time frame. Sarah is a much more focus person than i am most of the time.

I procrastinate and was just doing what me and Jacki do when we get together to stamp. I mean I need to change the music and get water and a pillow for my bootie. She kept telling me to focus because we'll never get these done.

we did eventually get on a roll but after messing one up big time.

So I like music.. i like to dance to it and sing it. I had the 80s channel on and keep singing the verses. i was definitely driving Sarah up a wall and she even said no wonder why you and Jacki get nothing done, In a joking way. David Lee Roth came on and I would sing the "JUMP" part of the song. Well Sarah holds up the invitation and says "No more "JUMP" this one isn't so good"

The next time the JUMP part came up i mouthed it and looked to see if she saw. She says I saw that. Im like how? because I looked to up to see if she was looking.

Either way we changed to music to 90's and both of us sang out way down memory lane.

We got only 50 done, so we arr going to try for 75 or 100 on this Monday.

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