Saturday, August 25, 2007

Song for Jacki and Jayme

I am not feeling great today. My allergies are kicking. So I am talking to Jacki on the phone and we were talking about babies, and how cool it is that Jacki and Jayme are having babies days apart. So Jacki commented that they were humping on the same day.
So enjoy my song I started singing. Picture muppets head movements side to side.

Humping on the same day.
Jacki and Jayme are gonna have a baby.

Check out her blog

Yeah funny huh.


Jayme said...

You are TOO funny!! I miss you! I hope that you feel better!

Jacki McHale said...

Thanks for posting that kickass song. The live version was priceless.

Hope you feel better, you sounded like shit this morning. (grin)

Have a great Friday! Wee!