Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cont. Crazy rant

Okay to continue:

Leo: Chinese guy who was hired by Asshole Manager from earlier. Asshole manager hired him because his mail order bride was Chinese. How wmbarassing. The manager is the only one that could under stand him. This guy was nice but you couldn't understand a word he said. It was bad I tried reading his lips but I swear he would throw words in I didn't know. He got confused easily and got important numbers and letters turned around. Oh by the way he always smelled like raw fish. Gag.

Yuriy: Russian guy with very heavy accent couldn't really understand him either. He did not like the fact that I was a younger woman teaching him anything. He got me so upset while training I literally bit myself to keep from strangling him. Oh and it hurt. He also brought with him a wonderful smell of not bathing I believe.

I can't remeber her name: I was so happy when she started she was a woman she spoke English and we got along. Only problem she has comments about everything. The way the dept. was run, the casino was run, my shift was run. She got so involved with what was right and wrong she freaking left. By somewhat normal kinda crazy person.

Murcie: I like Murcie. she is on nights now. But she wasn't too hard to train and didn't reak of anything and spoke freaking English as a first language. Yeah and not crazy.

Howard: Why did Murcie leave me why. This one was special he was normal in the beginning, he was untrainable also because he believed he knew everything. His ego was the size of Kentucky.
He reaked of ass and after speaking with him a couple times the smell was probably the prositute he was with that night. It was really bad I gaged a couple times and had to leave the room. He also was an hour or more late every single damn day. Yeah for me right, Jeez. Why he got fired because IGB pulled his badge.

And that brings us back to James OMR. I am so lucky, please i am sure you can feel my pain.

All of the above people but the manager were my reliefs. That is a small portion of the crazy people I work for.

The ones that stand out the most:

Betty: She can fall off of a cliff for all I care. She is a cold hearted bitch. Who is the devil who tries to get everyone fired to keep herself out of the light. I have had so any problems with her I could be here for a year typing. So visual, short spiky hair. wears mens slacks and shirts, she has a roomate that is really her girlfriend. Like to make really loud noises IE. clicking pen, banging on desk etc and stares at you while doing it. Crazy Devil Bitch summed up. Thank God I never have to see her.

Wes: he is my manager not the one from above. He is cool on alot of things but has some pretty bad downfalls. Has no balls to stand up for his dept or to his boss. He is always whinging that he is a horrible manager and doesn't like to get involved with telling people what to do. He makes stupid comments or jokes or open ended questions constantly. Drives me up a freaking wall.AHHHH.

Gary: Ha yeah my director, he has no balls, I think he hates people in general. He lies to us all of the time. Sucky sucky sucky.

So I was so excited at the beginning of the year because I thought that I was getting another job. I mean I started taking things home. Thats how much I thought I had the job. Well that fell through, boo and I am still here. I am on the look out again. Epecailly after relieving the past 6 years of Bliss here at good old Hollywood.

I need a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jayme said...

I love reading about all of these crazy people, especially since I know most of them!! HW really is a magnet for weirdos, isn't it? Wait--what does that say about US? LOL