Thursday, August 30, 2007

Makeshift Panty liner

Oh yeah this is a interesting one.

So I go to bathroom on the casino side and notice oooh I am leaking, damn. So I make a makeshift pantyliner. I used to do this in school. I fold up a piece of toilet paper and put it where the pantyliner should go. Obviously it doesn't stick but it usually stays in place for awhile.

So the whole reason I do this is I need to sit with the printer dude for god only know how long. No big deal right. Well not so much. Stupid face that never put the printer in the room caused me to walk out on to the casino floor. I am walking and feel something on my ass. UMM its the makeshift, as I was walking it is creeping up my butt crack area, oh crap. Is any body going to see it through my pants, like a night time pad? Horrible, so I let printer dude in and go to the bathroom it made it to my back, Seriously, only me, what the F.

So now I have to make a new one and put it further up toward the front so it doesn't happen again, because now I have to go to lunch...dundundun It was okay, believe me I was very aware of it. I am always afraid it will come out my pant leg, Wouldn't that be embarrasing.

Moral of the story. Come on people put tampon machines that don't cost money in for your employees. I get free ones in my office.

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