Thursday, January 17, 2008

morning morning

Hello everyone. Just here eating my oatmeal, hoping that I won't hurt anyone today. This is quiet day. You all know this by now. Pretty much don't mess with me becuase I have no patience for the stupid things.

I have been trying to write this all morning. So I am tired. I slept but had the wierdest dream.
Get this:

It is 7:50am I am supposed to wake up. So I get out of bed and go into the living room. For some reason I open the front door. It is really bright out side and lots of noise. I see this navy colored van and quickly I close the front door. I am afraid of this van for some reason. Now as I go to the bedroom I always look at the basement light switch, it was on, it is suppossed to be off. I am now starting to realize I am still in a dream. Freaky huh. I used to get these years ago and I hate them. Because now I want out of this dream. So I go back into the bedroom knowing this. So I try to go back to sleep so I can come out of the dream. It is not working because the people in the van are in front of my bedroom window and I don't want them to see me. There is also an extra window behind my bed and it is really sunny out. This is freaking me out because I am done being stuck in this dream.
So the next thing I do is weird but I did it in the past when I had these dreams. I try to slap my self. But I hand is moving too slow. So Thank you alarm clock. As soon as it went off I came out of this stupid dream.

So I talked to Sarah and she doesn't have dreams like this. Does anyone have dreams like these?


Theresa said...

That is one funky dream...I do not have dreams like this. WOW. It's kinda scary!! Glad you woke up!

Jenalyn said...

I wish I could talk to a dream analyst, because its hard to figure out dreams with a dream dictionary.