Saturday, January 19, 2008

Things I like to eat that are weird to some...

I have to have chips in my sandwiches. I love the crunchy sandwiches.

I dip my fries in mashed potatoes and gravy. Its good you should try it some time.

I need mustard onion pickle on my hot dogs and hamburgers.

I'm a mixer, I like to eat my mashed potatoes with the meat and vegetable on same bite. I'm not going to stir it together, that would be gross.

I have to have tons of mayo on my chicken sandwiches. Real Mayo a must.

I dip my pizza in ranch dressing. Not all pizzas though. It depends on the place or kind.

I put syrup on my scrambled eggs and hash browns. I also put ketchup on the other half of my hash browns the syrup and the ketchup can't touch, because that is gross. Sarah does this the same way as me.

I used to love ketchup on everything, my chicken nuggets, my sliced turkey or chicken sandwiches, eggs, hot dogs, Bologna, hamburgers.
If Ketchup comes anywhere near any of these now, I don't want it. I won't eat it.
There are some exceptions. McDonald's burgers can have it but not to much.

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