2. Food, mmm. I love food it makes my tummy happy which in turn makes me happy.
Best food right now is Cheescake Factory's "Navajo" love it.

3. Laughing, I love to laugh and joke around. I can usually turn anything funny.

4. Goofing off. This make me do number 3. I am a goof ball and don't care who sees sometimes.

5. Cussing, this is offensive to some people, but it make me happy, why i don't know. But my sentences definatly use them.

6. Family, without the drama. We all laugh so hard sometimes over the stupidest stuff. I absolutly hate the drama though.
7. Mia, Angel, and Bailey. The fact that they know who I am and talk to me is so cool. Well Mia is starting to talk. I don't know why it is so surprising to me. But it makes me feel good that I am something in their lives. And they have no idea that they are doing that.
8. People watching, me and sarah do this. We should have a show like Joan and Melissa Rivers. We don't do this to make our selves feel any prettier. We just like to comment on fashion good or bad.
9. Having control, not psycho control, just being a leader, doing my own thing.
10. My attitude, I would not be me without it, I would be pretty bland, which I have been feeling lately. It is me, comes with the territory.
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