I am not living my life for anyone anymore. This pertains to everyone. I really don't know why I have been blinded for the last year or two. With people making me feel like lesser than a person. I said changes would be made and back to the old me I am going. I need to just live my life to the fullest. I guess that is a resolution for the year. A lot of changes and major things are going to happen this year. I can't put a grasp on them now because they are too big. But I wish everyone would realize that everyone in the world is different. We all have our flaws, we all make decisions in their own way, and just because someone doesn't react in the same manner that you do, doesn't make them a bad person. I need to rise above. Whatever talk about me, no one truly knows me so I'm over it. Not even family. God I have felt like garbage and mush and fuck that shit I am done. So I am glad to have a goal of some sort I guess.
I woke up happy and listened to the radio someone was talking about something that triggered all of this.
I am done with this job, i know that much, fuck these people, including my boss. I am so close to losing my mind with him. And when and if I do. He will be all pouting and shit. Its a new year fuckers and I am off to go on with my life. I can't believe he had the nerve to call me a "lifer" in your fucking dreams. This place will be interesting when I am gone. i don't know what i am looking for or how hard it is going to be to find another job that pays more than here. But it is a another goal I would like to accomplish.
I think it is this place but my chest hurts and is a little tight, just stress. I don't want to feel it. I want to just chill out and be left alone to my thoughts.
I really can't wait for lunch, I am definitely leaving. I need time to think everything out. I will try to do that on my days off.
I am glad you are taking care of you. That is what is important in this life. You try to make other people happy, but who is making you happy?
Take care of youself and your business, and everyone around you should fall into place. If they can't stand by you, then they need to realize that you have to take care of you.
I am very happy for you, and proud of you no matter your situation. Your very strong willed, I know you can concur anything you put your mind to.
I just started to become a list whore. Maybe make a list of everything you want to do. A serious list of things you need to change in your life to make you happy.
You only get one chance at this life. Make it a good one.
Love you.
Thanks for the comment. I just haven't been myself lately. And I woke up for some reason.
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