Saturday, September 20, 2008

Things I miss from the 80's

Susie from did a awesome blog

It prompted me to do this: Thanks Susz.

Cabbage Pack babies that smelled like baby powder.

Teen Witch, I need to own this movie

Reindeers from Burger King meals. I had Ronda the Reindeer, But it came out Wonda the weindeer.

Jelly shoes.

Tiffany...I think were alone now...

Disk Cameras...i still own mine

Atari... we spent hours trying to beat Montezuma's revenge.

Remote controls that were connected to Tv... no cordless yet

Big Strawberry from Strawberry Shortcake. I would pay for one of those to this day.

Trick or Treating at night... they way its is supposed to be.

Trapper Keepers...rrrriiiipppp...the loudest binder on earth.

Big Wheel... you know the manual kind not this powered stuff they have now.

Doing the slide to stop the big awesome

Running through sprinklers

MTV... watching videos...what happened with that anyways...wheres the effing videos.

Barbie and Ken...whats the Brats big heads.

My brother pulling the Barbie heads off and my dad having to reattach the head. Barbie face got chubbier and she was never the same.

Burrito Supremes w/ olives... they did away with olives???

Having Mountain Dew and Taco Bell with my mom just me and her. That may be the start of my Mountain Dew addiction.

Seeing my Grandma and Grandpa every Sunday... I miss you two so much...

Playing with paper dolls with my sis at Grandamas

Being so excited when Daddy came home from work.

My first Love, Joey, from Kindergarten to 5th grade

My house on 111 Sunset Strip...coolest name ever.

My dad tucking me in like a burrito.

Vicks, my dad would cover us in it. I hate the smell, But I miss that moment.

My happy I would go back and try to change things to keep mom and dad together...Tears...

Okay this just got sad. Signing off... Always cherish the memories...


Jacki McHale said...

OK my cousin Robbie, so ran over Midge's neck and her head came off. When reattached they became big headed, no necks...I agree, never the same!

I too miss every Sunday with my Gramma Alice.

I like the vicks and the burrito memories with your dad. Those are cute.

I miss days when my dad would carry me up to bed. I tried that one forever!

Jenalyn said...

Auhh thats cute...