This is how I feel about Opinions on important stuff.
Opinions are great you should have them. But have some knowledge on what you have an opinion on.
Many people are opinionated but have nothing to back their argument. And that is one thing that bothers me, maybe even a pet peeve.
One of the new survivors mentioned this in her interview and I totally agree.
Believe me "I don't like the color green or pizza w/ mushrooms" doesn't fall into this category. Just think important life changing issues.
Its good to be educate and not to judge.
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. And everyone thinks that everyone elses stinks.
I agree though, I have heard people saying the most bizarre thinks about the presidential candidates and there running mates. It blows my mind the crap people come up with.
I do have an opinion about pretty much every thing, and I feel the need to comment constantly, hence the "comment junkie" shirt I wear proud.
But agreed poeple should talk about what they don't know. cough, Pam, cough, ahem...
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