Friday, September 26, 2008

Fat Farmer????????????????????????

Holy crap, I so cracked up at this one.

My dad bought a new pair of sneakers. I said to my dad nice shoes, they were white with a gold P on the side. I asked him what the P stood for, he didn't know. But he knew that he got them for a good deal, thats my dad wheeling and dealing.

So I saw him later on in the day and Sarah was with me at the store. Sarah asked me what I thought of dads bling bling. Well i hadn't noticed that the P was in shiny gold.

I start laughing and say i bet they are Phat Farm, My dad replies with a dramatic response"Fat Farmer??!!?? No dad, Phat Farm. We were in tears laughing. He still had no idea about this Fat Farmer shoe he is wearing. We just joked that he might get jacked for his shoes.

For anyone that didn't know Phat Farm is a clothing line owned by Russell Simmons. From Run DMC and Runs House. It is a Hip Hop clothing line.

My dad is 65 I find it hilarious that he is walking around in Phat farm shoes. That my daddy!!!

1 comment:

Jacki McHale said...

I am jelous my dad is not as hip...