Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lindsay is graduating...Oh my god

My little baby sister is graduating 8th grade today. Wow. 14 years ago we were all very surprised to find out my mother was pregnant. I was 14, Darryl was 12 and Sarah was 11. So we weren't little kids anymore. I was just as shocked as my mother. Lindsay was not planned. My mom wasn't sure if she was going to keep her.

Obviously she did and I couldn't imagine Lindsay not being here. She is funny, artistic and can be a firecracker.

I always used to wonder what she would look like and what I would look like when we got older. It seemed like light years away back then. But it is happening, she will be driving in two years. You've got to be kidding me. I don't want her to grow up and deal with the crap that adults have to deal with. But it is inevitable.

I get a glipse of what parents feel. She is my baby sister but we all helped raise her.

So I don't know why this is so emotional. But I don't want to embarass myself by crying at the graduation. So I hope these are the only tears I shed. Lindsay would laugh at me if she knew.

So Heres to the class of 2008. Congratulations!!!

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