So no pig in blankets this time. Just Mojitos. They were good but I drank them too fast. There is too much carbonation in those Bacardi Silver bottles.
So on to the show. Enjoyed it. Christina is too funny with her fake sadness trying to steal surgeries. I am so glad Burke is out of the picture and off the show.
Merideth and Derek, they are really just blah right now. The Izzy and George thing is more interesting. Speaking of them Izzy didn't think George was going to tell Callie about there relationship. Izzy had a patient that has been in a coma for a year. They would all eat lunch in his room last season. He woke up and wanted to die. Izzy wouldn't let him. They were funny together. But at the end he dies, he was just an old man ready to go but she got attached. Not good, but typical Izzy.
Biggest shock: Kerev busted out George. I knew he was going to do it too. Thats Kerev. So why in the hell would he be so mean. Poor George.
Funniest part: "you have apple hair, I'm going to throw a pancake in the river" A boy was brought in with his mom. She thought he was on drugs but he just had spinal leakage in the brain. We did not know this before what he said. Me and Sarah were cracking up. EEWW and they had to pull back the lid of the kids eye and stick a needle in. WOW.
Next week looks funny. Is Callie and Izzy going to fist fight? at the hospital? HMM.
I can't believe Karev outed poor George. Well, outed him on being a repeater. Besides, like HE has room to talk? Hello, he failed a test, too. But he got to repeat it. I'll have to review what the difference was.
But that was harsh. Seriously.
Thanks for the comment. I wasn't able to get to your page. I love Greys I am so freaking addicted.
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