Thursday, October 11, 2007

Good things inherited from parents

My red hair. I used to hate it and now I love it. The percentage of people in a room that have red hair is veruy small. I can usually be the only one sometimes. I would never dye it another color. Just a little lighter or a little darker. Sometimes I wish I could do different colors but then I come to my senses I am a redhead why try to change that.
My curly hair comes from my mom and my dad. It can be a hassle, but when I straighten my hair out and I can't do anyhting with it, I feel for the people with straight hair so I'll take mine and not complain.

My humor. My dad and mom. We joke alot. My dad loves to joke he tells jokes all of the times. He can have a dry funny humor about things to, Me and my sister crack up. My mom loves to laugh, especially at as. If we tell her a funny story she better not have to go to the bathroom because she might pee her pants. She lives for scareing us, all times of year. I am a jumpy person so it doesn't take much. I would watch TV in my room and my mom would stand in my doorway until I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, Just a precsence would make me scream. Then she would laugh for a half an hour about it. Dennis just said that I take after mu mom. He accidently backed into the bedroom door pretty much the skinny part of the door went in his butt. He made this face and I couldn't stop laughing. He was like I'm glad I did'nt get hurt because you would be on the floor laughing. I laughed so hard my eyes were watering and I started wheezing a little. I just keep seeing the face he made. Little things crack me up.

Thats all I can think of right now enjoy.

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