I just got into Survivor this year. Mostly because I am able to watch it on my computer. I am sure your wondering what rock I live under also.
So I have to comment on this last episode. Wow. Jaime seriously what the hell. Yeah there was some strategy involved. But wow she was like a little kid out there laughing and making it very obvious what they were doing. If this girl has to lie again it is going to be so obvious.
Another thing with Jaime. Stop putting the water in your mouth. You guys boil the water because of parasites and shes putting the water all in her mouth as she is flirthing with Erik.
Just amazes me.
Right now in the game I like Frosti. I hope they keep him now that he has merged with the other team.
I was so happy to see crazy Dave go home last episode, that dude has issues I would always confuse him with Jean Robert. They both were demanding perverted asses. I want to see Jean robert go home for sure.
I was really surprised they picked Aaron instead of James. Especially after James didn't want to get picked. So maybe he can turn in around some how. Some stupid ass spoiled it for me back when the website was stuck on episode 3. But toward the end of the show I thought maybe it was a lie.
I liked these last two episodes, The first three were dull but I'm sure thats how it always is.
Oh and a big thing I noticed. They got swim suits and possibly more clothes. Good for them.
Okay and one more thing. They all have these nasty bumps and looks like infected sores maybe. Kinda gross. I am also wondering are they going to the bathroom in the water?
This is me take it or leave it. This is my journey back to my past self. Enjoy the ride, its a bumpy one.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
deaf ass co-worker
Why are people too stupid to realize when they are being annoying or disrespectful. He is playing a game on his computer and I can fing hear it. Get a damn hearing aid or maybe some head phones like the rest of the computer room you stupid deaf mother...you know the rest.
I really just dont' get it. If he is deaf you would think he would know.
I am going to put my headphones on before I freaking strangle him with my mouse cord.
Have a good day people.
I really just dont' get it. If he is deaf you would think he would know.
I am going to put my headphones on before I freaking strangle him with my mouse cord.
Have a good day people.
Stupid ass lunch
I really wanted Pizza for lunch. Not Pizza hut a real pizza joint. I also knew I needed gas like quick. I probably shouldn't of drove to work. So off to the Gas station. I swipe my card and I am on the phone w/ Dennis. All it said was please remove your card. okay I already did. So I swipe it again and it says processing. Waiting longer what the f people. I don't have all day. So I get off the phone with Dennis to go tell them to cancel the sale, because it wouldn't let me. Either way it still said processing when I left they had no info in their system that it was going through. The guy said it was okay. whatever.
went to the pizza place. It was closed until further notice. I want Pizza errrgg. so I drove out of my way to another pizza place just to bring it back to the casino to eat it and then run to the cage for a problem. Again whatever. Stupid lunch.
I'm back and I have my huge mt. Dew. Yummy yummy yummy put a hole in my tummy. i made a funny.
went to the pizza place. It was closed until further notice. I want Pizza errrgg. so I drove out of my way to another pizza place just to bring it back to the casino to eat it and then run to the cage for a problem. Again whatever. Stupid lunch.
I'm back and I have my huge mt. Dew. Yummy yummy yummy put a hole in my tummy. i made a funny.
My time off
So a little late but this is what I did in my time off:
Sat:Halloween party, me and Dennis went as Santa's Hitmen. Very cute and original. Dennis came up with it. I decided to go along. I will upload photos.
Sun:Went to the Promenade in Bolingbrook
Mon: Ran errands and painted my Dads dining room. Alot of work for two people. me and sarah. My brother was nowhere to be found. My dad just supervised. The color is light/medium yellow, saffron for all of you stampin up people. with white trim. He has huge molding around the doors and floor so it look really good. Long night.
Tues: Ran more errands. Spent alot of time in Menards looking like a retard. I needed plastic to winter proof my windows. I was going to measure the window but Dennis said it would come in a roll. So off I go. Yep it came in 2 different size rolls and came premaid in boxes. What the F. I tried to figure it out on my own. Someone came to help but he just seemed like a prick. Thanks for nothing. So I call Dennis to measure the windows. Thank god I did because I bought the precut pieces and the tape came with it. It was ridiculous. So off to my Dads to paint the living room this time.
The room is white with Chocolate Chip trim. It looks good but what a pain in the ass. I really don't like painting. It all sucks. Especially if you don't put enough plastic down or take anything out of the room.
Thats a quick version of my days off I had nothing planned but I stayed busy busy.
Sat:Halloween party, me and Dennis went as Santa's Hitmen. Very cute and original. Dennis came up with it. I decided to go along. I will upload photos.
Sun:Went to the Promenade in Bolingbrook
Mon: Ran errands and painted my Dads dining room. Alot of work for two people. me and sarah. My brother was nowhere to be found. My dad just supervised. The color is light/medium yellow, saffron for all of you stampin up people. with white trim. He has huge molding around the doors and floor so it look really good. Long night.
Tues: Ran more errands. Spent alot of time in Menards looking like a retard. I needed plastic to winter proof my windows. I was going to measure the window but Dennis said it would come in a roll. So off I go. Yep it came in 2 different size rolls and came premaid in boxes. What the F. I tried to figure it out on my own. Someone came to help but he just seemed like a prick. Thanks for nothing. So I call Dennis to measure the windows. Thank god I did because I bought the precut pieces and the tape came with it. It was ridiculous. So off to my Dads to paint the living room this time.
The room is white with Chocolate Chip trim. It looks good but what a pain in the ass. I really don't like painting. It all sucks. Especially if you don't put enough plastic down or take anything out of the room.
Thats a quick version of my days off I had nothing planned but I stayed busy busy.
I have been trying to spellcheck my blogs more often. I type too fast and inaccurately then send them off. Some of the stuff I mess up on is pretty funny too. I am good at thinking faster than I write. So I just don't put words in sometimes too. Thats just me. I am usually trying to type without anyone seeing what I am doing. As you all know I have a nosey ass boss.
So I am not retarded, just in a hurry. Haha!
So I am not retarded, just in a hurry. Haha!
Grey update espisode 3
So I missed the first 5 minutes of this show. But I think it was just the nightmares I read about.
I don't like missing any of the show because I was not sure what was up with the mommy ashes.
But it was my dads birthday and somehow we made it to his house in time after eating at Red Lobster.
So weirdest things that happened: A man tried cutting off his own foot with a chainsaw he thought it was a corpse foot, he said he felt like it wasn't his. They showed him attempting to cut it off, wow.
Merideth putting her ashes in a ziploc bag and bringing them to work. then accidentally dropping them on the ground and she and derek had to put it back.
Cutest thing that happened: A little boy was trick or treating for new ears. He was a cutey. Merideth was able to get a team together pro-bono to help this kid. So happy.
Funniest things that happened: Derek played a dirty trick on Mcsteamy. Derek paid the little boy (needed ears) to call Sloan daddy. The look on hos face was priceless.
Christina telling the Chief that he wasn't getting her apartment.
why? Because she had just had a run in with Dr. Haghn a heart surgeon from another hospital, Dr. Haghn (a girl) would not let Christina scrub in for a organ donor surgery because she was known to sleep with her bosses.
Christina decides to tell her off, pretty much, and Dr. Haghn said "I'm gonna love this" The Chief decided to hire her to take over Burkes spot. That would make her Christina's boss.
By the way the actress who plays Dr. Haughn is also in Weeds right now too. I like her characters. I knew she looked familiar.
Thats my update for today.
I don't like missing any of the show because I was not sure what was up with the mommy ashes.
But it was my dads birthday and somehow we made it to his house in time after eating at Red Lobster.
So weirdest things that happened: A man tried cutting off his own foot with a chainsaw he thought it was a corpse foot, he said he felt like it wasn't his. They showed him attempting to cut it off, wow.
Merideth putting her ashes in a ziploc bag and bringing them to work. then accidentally dropping them on the ground and she and derek had to put it back.
Cutest thing that happened: A little boy was trick or treating for new ears. He was a cutey. Merideth was able to get a team together pro-bono to help this kid. So happy.
Funniest things that happened: Derek played a dirty trick on Mcsteamy. Derek paid the little boy (needed ears) to call Sloan daddy. The look on hos face was priceless.
Christina telling the Chief that he wasn't getting her apartment.
why? Because she had just had a run in with Dr. Haghn a heart surgeon from another hospital, Dr. Haghn (a girl) would not let Christina scrub in for a organ donor surgery because she was known to sleep with her bosses.
Christina decides to tell her off, pretty much, and Dr. Haghn said "I'm gonna love this" The Chief decided to hire her to take over Burkes spot. That would make her Christina's boss.
By the way the actress who plays Dr. Haughn is also in Weeds right now too. I like her characters. I knew she looked familiar.
Thats my update for today.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Shows I am watching
#1 of course is Grey's Anatomy, love it, love it, love it.
#2 Weeds: I thought this was going to be a stupid show but I am hooked. Kids should never watch this show, for adults only, but I enjoy the way the plot changes every episode.
#3 Real World Sydney: I have watched every season of real world since the very first one over a decade ago in New York. I do believe they can make the show longer, but I am still hooked on this one too.
#4 A shot at Love w/Tila Tequila: This is a new show this year another reality show. I seems very scripted but interesting to watch. She is looking for a guy or a girl.
#5 Americas most smartest model: Again reality, again scripted. But it is fun watching the how smart or stupid the cast is and the dumb challenges they go through. I think it just passes time away.
#6 Survivor: I can only watch this one at work on a certain site. I just started watching this year. I never had any urge to watch it before. The sight has been behind lately, I waiting to watch the last two episodes. I like it.
#7 The Hills: I got into this show this year too. My sister was watching it and I liked it. It moved kinda slow and alot of staring. If you watch it you know what I am talking about.
The lucky thing is because I work so late. I miss some of these actual shows. So I can watch all but Greys on the computer.
#2 Weeds: I thought this was going to be a stupid show but I am hooked. Kids should never watch this show, for adults only, but I enjoy the way the plot changes every episode.
#3 Real World Sydney: I have watched every season of real world since the very first one over a decade ago in New York. I do believe they can make the show longer, but I am still hooked on this one too.
#4 A shot at Love w/Tila Tequila: This is a new show this year another reality show. I seems very scripted but interesting to watch. She is looking for a guy or a girl.
#5 Americas most smartest model: Again reality, again scripted. But it is fun watching the how smart or stupid the cast is and the dumb challenges they go through. I think it just passes time away.
#6 Survivor: I can only watch this one at work on a certain site. I just started watching this year. I never had any urge to watch it before. The sight has been behind lately, I waiting to watch the last two episodes. I like it.
#7 The Hills: I got into this show this year too. My sister was watching it and I liked it. It moved kinda slow and alot of staring. If you watch it you know what I am talking about.
The lucky thing is because I work so late. I miss some of these actual shows. So I can watch all but Greys on the computer.
Today is my Dad's Birthday
He is 64 but he doesn't act like it. We are going to Red Lobster, his favorite, after I get off of work. Yummy Yummy. I love the biscuits.
So I am a little out of it today, I feel cramps coming on and I just took 2 aleve. Hope that works out.
I used the heat this morning just for a little. I kicked it on then went back to bed for 20 minutes or so. It heats up the bathroom because its so small then I get dressed in there.
Other wise the heat stays off during the day, I used the electric heater we have yesterday in the bedroom. It smelled like an iron, I don't like that smell too much. Its okay it will probably get used in the living room, stupid vaulted ceilings.
My sweater is bothering me today, It is low cut and its making me cold. Everything is going to bother me today. Like my stupid keyboard. Heres the deal, i am not used to this keyboard and usually hit 2 or more keys while I am typing. Not good if I don't spellcheck. I have to remember that. But I only got this one because it matched my new computer. Wes was trying to show me something and I keep screwing up the letters so I smacked my keyboard and said show me later. How about not today at all. I wish I had a huge blinking light that went on when I don't want to be bothered. I don't feel good dammit, leave me alone, please. I said please.
I want to be home under the covers watching Tv and eating.
Oh and here comes the yawns. I get really pissed at my body when I get stuck in yawns. Because it makes my eyes water and messes up my make-up. Its a never ending battle.
Today is the official get in your bubble day.
So I am a little out of it today, I feel cramps coming on and I just took 2 aleve. Hope that works out.
I used the heat this morning just for a little. I kicked it on then went back to bed for 20 minutes or so. It heats up the bathroom because its so small then I get dressed in there.
Other wise the heat stays off during the day, I used the electric heater we have yesterday in the bedroom. It smelled like an iron, I don't like that smell too much. Its okay it will probably get used in the living room, stupid vaulted ceilings.
My sweater is bothering me today, It is low cut and its making me cold. Everything is going to bother me today. Like my stupid keyboard. Heres the deal, i am not used to this keyboard and usually hit 2 or more keys while I am typing. Not good if I don't spellcheck. I have to remember that. But I only got this one because it matched my new computer. Wes was trying to show me something and I keep screwing up the letters so I smacked my keyboard and said show me later. How about not today at all. I wish I had a huge blinking light that went on when I don't want to be bothered. I don't feel good dammit, leave me alone, please. I said please.
I want to be home under the covers watching Tv and eating.
Oh and here comes the yawns. I get really pissed at my body when I get stuck in yawns. Because it makes my eyes water and messes up my make-up. Its a never ending battle.
Today is the official get in your bubble day.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Whats going on today?
Not much at all. I had some to work to get done. That just reminded me of something to do just now.
Work has been going by pretty quickly. The weird thing is I have no eyeliner or mascara on. Jacki knows what I am talking about. We don't go out in public with out these unless we are really sick or our eyes are bothering us. I thought I did my eyes today and looked in the mirror and I look like I have no eyes. I'll try not to scare small children.
I woke up this morning and it was freezing. It was very cold. I slept fine, me and Dennis keep each other warm but the house was chilly and it sucked getting ready for work. I have cramps today also, hooray for me.
I am my usual tired. It took some time to go over my blogs and make phone calls. Me and Jacki hadn't spoke since Sat briefly so we had to catch up.
Here is the funny thing about the above topic on talking on the phone with Jacki. Dennis and Ed think we are crazy all the time we spend on the phone. On about the fourth call of the day we probably get the looks and the quote " what possibly can you guys be talking about this time" It is funny. But it is serious too. I believe this keeps us sane. It is our way of getting things out. Maybe a way to vent so we don't go off on our families or others. It could be happy, sad, stupid, gross, right, wrong. whatever it is we feel comfortable just coming out and saying it. I love the fact that I have someone to say these things too. I tell a lot to my sister and Dennis too but they don't want to hear everything. So I conclude with saying that they should be thanking us for talking to each other so much. HA.
I think I am done with this blog for now. I will update on my weekend some time later.
Work has been going by pretty quickly. The weird thing is I have no eyeliner or mascara on. Jacki knows what I am talking about. We don't go out in public with out these unless we are really sick or our eyes are bothering us. I thought I did my eyes today and looked in the mirror and I look like I have no eyes. I'll try not to scare small children.
I woke up this morning and it was freezing. It was very cold. I slept fine, me and Dennis keep each other warm but the house was chilly and it sucked getting ready for work. I have cramps today also, hooray for me.
I am my usual tired. It took some time to go over my blogs and make phone calls. Me and Jacki hadn't spoke since Sat briefly so we had to catch up.
Here is the funny thing about the above topic on talking on the phone with Jacki. Dennis and Ed think we are crazy all the time we spend on the phone. On about the fourth call of the day we probably get the looks and the quote " what possibly can you guys be talking about this time" It is funny. But it is serious too. I believe this keeps us sane. It is our way of getting things out. Maybe a way to vent so we don't go off on our families or others. It could be happy, sad, stupid, gross, right, wrong. whatever it is we feel comfortable just coming out and saying it. I love the fact that I have someone to say these things too. I tell a lot to my sister and Dennis too but they don't want to hear everything. So I conclude with saying that they should be thanking us for talking to each other so much. HA.
I think I am done with this blog for now. I will update on my weekend some time later.
Friday, October 19, 2007
My Stamp Room before and after
So I have been really wanting to tackle my back room forever. I wanted it to be decent enough to work in again. It took a couple months but I got some energy worked up to get half way there.
How was I supposed to work like this.
It was so clean I was able to do my last camp class work here. So nice and clutter free.

Before, Holy old make-up. I hadn't used this vanity for years. I gave it to my little sister. She was very happy to get it.
I'm just using it for a storage area for now until I figure out how the layout of my room is going to go.

You could barely walk through and I used to bed for storage.for about an hour until I got a bug up my butt.
I had this stand in a box that needed to be assembled. So at 11:30 @ night I said screw it I going to put it together. Yeah this is where the bed used to be, for now.

Things left to do:
I had this stand in a box that needed to be assembled. So at 11:30 @ night I said screw it I going to put it together. Yeah this is where the bed used to be, for now.
Things left to do:
Get the blue recliner out. and clean the other side of the room. Bring up table from down stairs.
Figure out new layout of my room.
You'll see pics whenever I am finished.
Family picture day!!!!
Family picture day.
This is the steps in front of my moms house. I added the pumkins and extras.
October 23 - November 21
The slightest thing may set you off into a downward spiral of self-pity today, dear Scorpio, so beware. Try your best to stay out of that nasty trap. Keep things on a positive note by sticking to your goals and do what needs to get done. The more productive you are today, the better you will feel. Your emotions are apt to be quite sensitive, so stay close to people who are positive and upbeat. You don't need any emotional leeches.
So I do need to listen to my horoscope today.
Some days are right on some aren't . It's really just a guide sometimes a push in the right direction. Its funny if I don't like it I roll my eyes. Weird.
October 23 - November 21
The slightest thing may set you off into a downward spiral of self-pity today, dear Scorpio, so beware. Try your best to stay out of that nasty trap. Keep things on a positive note by sticking to your goals and do what needs to get done. The more productive you are today, the better you will feel. Your emotions are apt to be quite sensitive, so stay close to people who are positive and upbeat. You don't need any emotional leeches.
So I do need to listen to my horoscope today.
Some days are right on some aren't . It's really just a guide sometimes a push in the right direction. Its funny if I don't like it I roll my eyes. Weird.
Night with girls cont...
So after Greys we were looking for something to watch and came across the last show of Celebrity Rap Superstar. It was fun making fun of everyone. All of Shars outfits sucked big time. Jason Wallers microphone wasn't turned on, on purpose. We watched some of it maybe half them it went on mute. I did see that Shar won while on mute.
Sarah played music that she dowloaded. I think Britney was first. We like the song. But I was trying to explain how horrible the video was to them by dancing like her. Cracking up. Me and my imaginary pole.
We also were cracking up at Alicia Keys. We again love the song, but not the stomping she does as she is playing the keyboard. So me and Sarah were trying to recreate it. Sarah did a better job then that turned into a bull. Theb she was Using one hand, backwards, a foot, a head, and a butt. Holy crap it was too funny.
Then we attempted, okay maybe just me I was standing up, the soulja boy, superman dance. I didn't know there was a dance. It didn't go over very well. Alot of jumping.
We listened to a bunch of songs and then went searching My space pages. People that Sarah knew.
At 11:00 I left.
Crazy night.
Sarah played music that she dowloaded. I think Britney was first. We like the song. But I was trying to explain how horrible the video was to them by dancing like her. Cracking up. Me and my imaginary pole.
We also were cracking up at Alicia Keys. We again love the song, but not the stomping she does as she is playing the keyboard. So me and Sarah were trying to recreate it. Sarah did a better job then that turned into a bull. Theb she was Using one hand, backwards, a foot, a head, and a butt. Holy crap it was too funny.
Then we attempted, okay maybe just me I was standing up, the soulja boy, superman dance. I didn't know there was a dance. It didn't go over very well. Alot of jumping.
We listened to a bunch of songs and then went searching My space pages. People that Sarah knew.
At 11:00 I left.
Crazy night.
Grey's night with the girls
My sister had her friend Laura over and my brother was home this time. My sister bought me a Strawberry Daquiri bottle. She was drinking twisted tea.
So where to begin:
I have I told you I don't like Lexie (3) . Just don't care for her and her deer and the headlights look. If she even does anything with McDreamy during this season. I will scream.
Whats with Derek babying her. Christina has a right to treat her interns how she wants. Bailey was straight mean to her interns and it was for the best.
In the beginning when George was sprinting through the hospital looking for Izzy was hilarious. Nice hiding behind the pole.
The Izzy/Callie fight was funny too. Izzy taking off her shoes, earrings and putting up her hair. Christina said it best. "you were very ghetto faboulous".
I can't believe old guy told the wrong person they were going to die. I think I would be very pissed off, don't you. She got a house out of it though.
The Callie/George situation: come on "I forgive you" how about maybe "fuck you" "get out".
Callie has way too much on her plate and she is screwing up big time as far as work is concerned. I really wish that Bailey got that job.
It was sad that the skinny girl had to die. Her boyfriend was a fucking jerk. He so killed her. I am glad that Callie blamed it on him the stupid jerk.
And lastly the Mer/Der situation. Seriously, merideth get your head out of your ass and spend the rest of your life in Dereks arms. He wants marriage, kids, house, grow old together. Hes a damn brain surgeon. Wow she is really screwed up.
Oh and i almost forgot. Can you believe Kerev is jealous of George. He still loves Izzy.
and he came into her room all buffed out in his tank top to bring tissues(good) but to tell her to keep it down(bad, very bad) .
Thats my update. If you ever miss a show or want to know more details of the show you can see it on MSnbc.com in the entertainment section.
So where to begin:
I have I told you I don't like Lexie (3) . Just don't care for her and her deer and the headlights look. If she even does anything with McDreamy during this season. I will scream.
Whats with Derek babying her. Christina has a right to treat her interns how she wants. Bailey was straight mean to her interns and it was for the best.
In the beginning when George was sprinting through the hospital looking for Izzy was hilarious. Nice hiding behind the pole.
The Izzy/Callie fight was funny too. Izzy taking off her shoes, earrings and putting up her hair. Christina said it best. "you were very ghetto faboulous".
I can't believe old guy told the wrong person they were going to die. I think I would be very pissed off, don't you. She got a house out of it though.
The Callie/George situation: come on "I forgive you" how about maybe "fuck you" "get out".
Callie has way too much on her plate and she is screwing up big time as far as work is concerned. I really wish that Bailey got that job.
It was sad that the skinny girl had to die. Her boyfriend was a fucking jerk. He so killed her. I am glad that Callie blamed it on him the stupid jerk.
And lastly the Mer/Der situation. Seriously, merideth get your head out of your ass and spend the rest of your life in Dereks arms. He wants marriage, kids, house, grow old together. Hes a damn brain surgeon. Wow she is really screwed up.
Oh and i almost forgot. Can you believe Kerev is jealous of George. He still loves Izzy.
and he came into her room all buffed out in his tank top to bring tissues(good) but to tell her to keep it down(bad, very bad) .
Thats my update. If you ever miss a show or want to know more details of the show you can see it on MSnbc.com in the entertainment section.
Holy crap
Thank god I have internet today. Yesterday the whole casino internet was down and I am not used to not having it especially on my first day back.
So this is the second thing I have done. First had to check the banking account. I also worked this morning. Sucky. At least I got to eat my oatmeal first.
Yesterday i came in and the idiots on the night shift. Took apart the Cage so three computers and other random stuff were disconnected. And of course the network problem. So I was busy until noon and had to breakfast. Oh and then we got a comp to go to lunch but Al wasn't going to be back until 2:00 so I thought I'll just hold off. Well 3:00 rolls a round and I could eat my own arm off. The stupid buffet closes at 3:00 for an hour so I ate at 4:00 until 6:00ish.
Today I am decent. The damn cleaning people sprayed my desk with f'ing endust. My desk is not f'ing wood people and I don't feel like slideing all over the f'ing place all f'ing day. So I resprayed my desk with window cleaning. Lets just say I have a very clean desk now.
Just the stupid shit that gets under my skin when I am pms'ing. Can't wait til next week when I am a raging bitch.
Thats a quick update.
So this is the second thing I have done. First had to check the banking account. I also worked this morning. Sucky. At least I got to eat my oatmeal first.
Yesterday i came in and the idiots on the night shift. Took apart the Cage so three computers and other random stuff were disconnected. And of course the network problem. So I was busy until noon and had to breakfast. Oh and then we got a comp to go to lunch but Al wasn't going to be back until 2:00 so I thought I'll just hold off. Well 3:00 rolls a round and I could eat my own arm off. The stupid buffet closes at 3:00 for an hour so I ate at 4:00 until 6:00ish.
Today I am decent. The damn cleaning people sprayed my desk with f'ing endust. My desk is not f'ing wood people and I don't feel like slideing all over the f'ing place all f'ing day. So I resprayed my desk with window cleaning. Lets just say I have a very clean desk now.
Just the stupid shit that gets under my skin when I am pms'ing. Can't wait til next week when I am a raging bitch.
Thats a quick update.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Early blog
Yum yum. I just ate my oatmeal and water. Breakfast of Champions. It better than the usual McDonalds.
This noise is driving me up a freaking wall. We have a modem that is trying to dial out and because now there is a 630 prefix in front of local numbers it attempts it over and over and over and over. Come on now. I want to take my 3 pound hammer to it. That would be freaking awesome.
Make it stop................................................................
So I brought my 3d stuff to work, I actually got to work later than I wanted because I wanted to make sure I had everything. I brought my class cards also. I need to get some demention and tutorial on one or two of my cards. '
I am going to have to make a trip to Chilis this afternoon to steal more coasters. The reason I am stealing coasters, I need them to make my 3d's for my meeting. I am hopefully making a picture holder. I found 11 coasters that were in my car. I know I have more in the house but I don't know where they are. I am on a mission to get these done today. I definately have the time. Jeez.
My movie site is broken...boo..its okay I guess I have another site but the picture is small. I know that I am complaining about watching movies at work. But Jayme feels me on this one. Its what we get paid to do. I'm just an insurance policy for the casino. A fire fighter. I fix problems as they come in. I don't go looking for them thats sure.
Maybe I can get Sarah to go to lunch with me today. Who knows. We can be on mission "steal as many coasters on the way out and not ge caught".
I am looking foward to the meeting on Monday. I have a camp on Tuesday, fun folds. Wednesday, i have nothing planned at the moment but who knows anymore.
It is a business meeting, I should demo something. I dont' know what. I might still do the oranament demo. I need to test it out. I should have a glass ornament at home in the x-mas crap.
I am wearing a Sarah sweater today. I was so happy to get some of her clothes that actually fit. Sarah is losing mad weight. And she needed to clean out her closet. So I got 3 garbage bags filled to the top with clothes. 1 goes to good will. 1 is pants (most will go to Jacki) and 1 was shirts, sweaters, tanks. So I pulled a bunch out and have been wearing them this week its good because I will have to clean all of my winter stuff that is in a bag somewhere.
I think that is it for right now. I have blogging about everything this week.
This noise is driving me up a freaking wall. We have a modem that is trying to dial out and because now there is a 630 prefix in front of local numbers it attempts it over and over and over and over. Come on now. I want to take my 3 pound hammer to it. That would be freaking awesome.
Make it stop................................................................
So I brought my 3d stuff to work, I actually got to work later than I wanted because I wanted to make sure I had everything. I brought my class cards also. I need to get some demention and tutorial on one or two of my cards. '
I am going to have to make a trip to Chilis this afternoon to steal more coasters. The reason I am stealing coasters, I need them to make my 3d's for my meeting. I am hopefully making a picture holder. I found 11 coasters that were in my car. I know I have more in the house but I don't know where they are. I am on a mission to get these done today. I definately have the time. Jeez.
My movie site is broken...boo..its okay I guess I have another site but the picture is small. I know that I am complaining about watching movies at work. But Jayme feels me on this one. Its what we get paid to do. I'm just an insurance policy for the casino. A fire fighter. I fix problems as they come in. I don't go looking for them thats sure.
Maybe I can get Sarah to go to lunch with me today. Who knows. We can be on mission "steal as many coasters on the way out and not ge caught".
I am looking foward to the meeting on Monday. I have a camp on Tuesday, fun folds. Wednesday, i have nothing planned at the moment but who knows anymore.
It is a business meeting, I should demo something. I dont' know what. I might still do the oranament demo. I need to test it out. I should have a glass ornament at home in the x-mas crap.
I am wearing a Sarah sweater today. I was so happy to get some of her clothes that actually fit. Sarah is losing mad weight. And she needed to clean out her closet. So I got 3 garbage bags filled to the top with clothes. 1 goes to good will. 1 is pants (most will go to Jacki) and 1 was shirts, sweaters, tanks. So I pulled a bunch out and have been wearing them this week its good because I will have to clean all of my winter stuff that is in a bag somewhere.
I think that is it for right now. I have blogging about everything this week.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Crazy blogging fool
I have to get all my blogging out of my system.
So today I got up earlyish and came to work to copy some crap for auditors. From what I hear they are cunts and bitches. Of course every time my boss walks in the door its something new.
Remember in Look whos talking the movie. The dads head explodes. Yeah I so expect that to happen sometimes.
Me and the other hand will be here late. I came in a little late on Wends and left early from work also. Couldn't really be helped. I felt poopy in the morning and didn't find out until too late that I wasn't going to Jackis.
Its fine, I'll just watch a new movie or something.
Me and Dennis had Italian Sausage cut up with red sause and sweet pepper. Its a new favorite meal. We got it at Traverso's in Naperville. Now I make it that way.
We usually would eat it on bread with cheese and parmsean. Blah not no more.
I have been getting headaches at night, I think it has to do with the weather. I bundled up again and was so comfy. I stole a really soft Nike Fleece from Dennis and wear it with the hood up. I refuse to run the heat until I absolutely have to. I don't have any kids or animals to keep alive so I'm good.
I grew up in the coldest room on earth. It didn't have good "installation" thats for you Jacki. Insullation. There was a problem with the heat duct that went to my room also. Some fucking Genius also had the heat ducts in the ceiling. Wow not to smart. Heat rises. So I would sleep with hoodies on and sweat pants and socks. Kinda like camping, haha.
I am enjoying our somewhat new mattress. It was in our spare bedroom and we moved it in to our bedroom. It is so much more comfortable. I don't hurt in the morning when I wake up, I also don't want to get out of bed now either.
Yum yum I had maple/brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast with water for breakfast. I am so glad i am not a hardcore coffee drinker. I don't like the taste and even if I put 7 packets of sugar and milk in, still tastes gross. I am more of a latte drinker. But I enjoy my pop or water in the morning. Usually water, my stomache feels dry, it sounds weird but it does if I don't drink water first in the morning.
Well other than my crazy boss and his mood swings. I am just chillin.
So everyone have a good day.
So today I got up earlyish and came to work to copy some crap for auditors. From what I hear they are cunts and bitches. Of course every time my boss walks in the door its something new.
Remember in Look whos talking the movie. The dads head explodes. Yeah I so expect that to happen sometimes.
Me and the other hand will be here late. I came in a little late on Wends and left early from work also. Couldn't really be helped. I felt poopy in the morning and didn't find out until too late that I wasn't going to Jackis.
Its fine, I'll just watch a new movie or something.
Me and Dennis had Italian Sausage cut up with red sause and sweet pepper. Its a new favorite meal. We got it at Traverso's in Naperville. Now I make it that way.
We usually would eat it on bread with cheese and parmsean. Blah not no more.
I have been getting headaches at night, I think it has to do with the weather. I bundled up again and was so comfy. I stole a really soft Nike Fleece from Dennis and wear it with the hood up. I refuse to run the heat until I absolutely have to. I don't have any kids or animals to keep alive so I'm good.
I grew up in the coldest room on earth. It didn't have good "installation" thats for you Jacki. Insullation. There was a problem with the heat duct that went to my room also. Some fucking Genius also had the heat ducts in the ceiling. Wow not to smart. Heat rises. So I would sleep with hoodies on and sweat pants and socks. Kinda like camping, haha.
I am enjoying our somewhat new mattress. It was in our spare bedroom and we moved it in to our bedroom. It is so much more comfortable. I don't hurt in the morning when I wake up, I also don't want to get out of bed now either.
Yum yum I had maple/brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast with water for breakfast. I am so glad i am not a hardcore coffee drinker. I don't like the taste and even if I put 7 packets of sugar and milk in, still tastes gross. I am more of a latte drinker. But I enjoy my pop or water in the morning. Usually water, my stomache feels dry, it sounds weird but it does if I don't drink water first in the morning.
Well other than my crazy boss and his mood swings. I am just chillin.
So everyone have a good day.
Greys Update
So no pig in blankets this time. Just Mojitos. They were good but I drank them too fast. There is too much carbonation in those Bacardi Silver bottles.
So on to the show. Enjoyed it. Christina is too funny with her fake sadness trying to steal surgeries. I am so glad Burke is out of the picture and off the show.
Merideth and Derek, they are really just blah right now. The Izzy and George thing is more interesting. Speaking of them Izzy didn't think George was going to tell Callie about there relationship. Izzy had a patient that has been in a coma for a year. They would all eat lunch in his room last season. He woke up and wanted to die. Izzy wouldn't let him. They were funny together. But at the end he dies, he was just an old man ready to go but she got attached. Not good, but typical Izzy.
Biggest shock: Kerev busted out George. I knew he was going to do it too. Thats Kerev. So why in the hell would he be so mean. Poor George.
Funniest part: "you have apple hair, I'm going to throw a pancake in the river" A boy was brought in with his mom. She thought he was on drugs but he just had spinal leakage in the brain. We did not know this before what he said. Me and Sarah were cracking up. EEWW and they had to pull back the lid of the kids eye and stick a needle in. WOW.
Next week looks funny. Is Callie and Izzy going to fist fight? at the hospital? HMM.
So on to the show. Enjoyed it. Christina is too funny with her fake sadness trying to steal surgeries. I am so glad Burke is out of the picture and off the show.
Merideth and Derek, they are really just blah right now. The Izzy and George thing is more interesting. Speaking of them Izzy didn't think George was going to tell Callie about there relationship. Izzy had a patient that has been in a coma for a year. They would all eat lunch in his room last season. He woke up and wanted to die. Izzy wouldn't let him. They were funny together. But at the end he dies, he was just an old man ready to go but she got attached. Not good, but typical Izzy.
Biggest shock: Kerev busted out George. I knew he was going to do it too. Thats Kerev. So why in the hell would he be so mean. Poor George.
Funniest part: "you have apple hair, I'm going to throw a pancake in the river" A boy was brought in with his mom. She thought he was on drugs but he just had spinal leakage in the brain. We did not know this before what he said. Me and Sarah were cracking up. EEWW and they had to pull back the lid of the kids eye and stick a needle in. WOW.
Next week looks funny. Is Callie and Izzy going to fist fight? at the hospital? HMM.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Random funny things from my pants. I mean past. OMG I can't believe I wrote that oops...
My mom wore the tightest pants ever. Me and my sister would have to help her zip her pants up. She would lay on the bed and button her pants and one of us had a fork and put it through the zipper and pulled and the other one pushed her belly down. Seriously now.
I was working here at Hollywood late and Alex the night guy was in. He decided it would be funny to scare me. Well I scare easily and scream loudly and thats what i did. I ended up scaring the shit out of him. He had no idea what he was in for. We would always laugh about that.
Me and Dennis were first talking years and years ago before we started going out. I had a thing with saying "Shut the fuck up" in my language it mean't "really!" So i asked Dennis what time it was and he said whatever time it was, well I was shocked and said "shut the fuck up" He replied by saying "okay fine its whatever time you want it to be". He took it offensively, it took awhile to convince him that I wasn't being mean. Too Funny to this day we bring that up.
Here is a funny embarrassing one my sister always brings up. It was X-mas eve and we were all dressed up and ready to see our whole Allen family. I had this huge backhead on the end of my nose. So I though I'll just take care of that before I leave. Well this was a biggin' and it left a noticable hole. So Sarah was in the bathroom with me and saw me do this unfortunaely she also saw me looking for it to put back in the hole. I know embarrassing on my part. I didn't do it she wouldn't of let me.
We were at a get together in Champaign, me 19, Sarah 16. Well obviously underage and the cops were outside the house talking to one of four of the owners of the house, Dennis being one but not the one the cop was talking to. So I took Sarah into the bathroom and I got into the shower, I was a little tipsy by the way. I don't think she was even drinking. So I wanted it to be believable and started taking my clothes off in the shower, I am also now half wet. So I told Sarah just get in and face the other way. My thinking was they wouldn't come in the shower looking for people especially if it was running. She never got in. Yeah I will never hear the end of that one from Sarah ever and everyone in the house got a kick out of it too.
Another party I was maybe 19 or 20? Whatever underage and I was freaking bombed. Big time. I was laying on the bathroom floor I have no idea why either. This girl I barely knew comes in and starts to go to the bathroom, and me and her were just having this conversation about something. All of a sudden one of the of-agers comes running into the bathroom and says the cops are here run outside . So me drunk, dizzy, can barely walk. I have my purse on my arm I walk out of the bathroom see a blue flashing light and book it for the sliding glass door. Well I didn't see the screen and busted through it. Looking back now, there were people standing on the outside of it. Could you iamgine what they were thinking as the screen come flying off and I'm behind it running. Yeah it gets better. This dudes yard was a damn ski slope hill and at the bottom of it was a corn field. As I am runnning down the steepest hill know to man I trip and slide down this hill purse on shoulder and on both knees kinda like I was sledding, this didn't feel good by the way. The reason i slid down was because it had just raining the night before. So now I am muddy on top of it. I went into the corn to find my underage friends just standing their. From that night on we were remembered as the children of the corn. The of-agers though we were crazy they had no idea where we all went. So adventually someone came and found us.
So it turns out that the cops were only at the end of the street, the blue light was the light on top of the Dennis's DJ booth, and the marks from me sliding down the hill were there for a long time. How does that guy explain not having a party to his parents.
As I was writing this I was cracking up. One of the funniest stories ever.
Hope you enjoyed my funny embarassing stories, I did writing them.
I was working here at Hollywood late and Alex the night guy was in. He decided it would be funny to scare me. Well I scare easily and scream loudly and thats what i did. I ended up scaring the shit out of him. He had no idea what he was in for. We would always laugh about that.
Me and Dennis were first talking years and years ago before we started going out. I had a thing with saying "Shut the fuck up" in my language it mean't "really!" So i asked Dennis what time it was and he said whatever time it was, well I was shocked and said "shut the fuck up" He replied by saying "okay fine its whatever time you want it to be". He took it offensively, it took awhile to convince him that I wasn't being mean. Too Funny to this day we bring that up.
Here is a funny embarrassing one my sister always brings up. It was X-mas eve and we were all dressed up and ready to see our whole Allen family. I had this huge backhead on the end of my nose. So I though I'll just take care of that before I leave. Well this was a biggin' and it left a noticable hole. So Sarah was in the bathroom with me and saw me do this unfortunaely she also saw me looking for it to put back in the hole. I know embarrassing on my part. I didn't do it she wouldn't of let me.
We were at a get together in Champaign, me 19, Sarah 16. Well obviously underage and the cops were outside the house talking to one of four of the owners of the house, Dennis being one but not the one the cop was talking to. So I took Sarah into the bathroom and I got into the shower, I was a little tipsy by the way. I don't think she was even drinking. So I wanted it to be believable and started taking my clothes off in the shower, I am also now half wet. So I told Sarah just get in and face the other way. My thinking was they wouldn't come in the shower looking for people especially if it was running. She never got in. Yeah I will never hear the end of that one from Sarah ever and everyone in the house got a kick out of it too.
Another party I was maybe 19 or 20? Whatever underage and I was freaking bombed. Big time. I was laying on the bathroom floor I have no idea why either. This girl I barely knew comes in and starts to go to the bathroom, and me and her were just having this conversation about something. All of a sudden one of the of-agers comes running into the bathroom and says the cops are here run outside . So me drunk, dizzy, can barely walk. I have my purse on my arm I walk out of the bathroom see a blue flashing light and book it for the sliding glass door. Well I didn't see the screen and busted through it. Looking back now, there were people standing on the outside of it. Could you iamgine what they were thinking as the screen come flying off and I'm behind it running. Yeah it gets better. This dudes yard was a damn ski slope hill and at the bottom of it was a corn field. As I am runnning down the steepest hill know to man I trip and slide down this hill purse on shoulder and on both knees kinda like I was sledding, this didn't feel good by the way. The reason i slid down was because it had just raining the night before. So now I am muddy on top of it. I went into the corn to find my underage friends just standing their. From that night on we were remembered as the children of the corn. The of-agers though we were crazy they had no idea where we all went. So adventually someone came and found us.
So it turns out that the cops were only at the end of the street, the blue light was the light on top of the Dennis's DJ booth, and the marks from me sliding down the hill were there for a long time. How does that guy explain not having a party to his parents.
As I was writing this I was cracking up. One of the funniest stories ever.
Hope you enjoyed my funny embarassing stories, I did writing them.
Good things inherited from parents
My red hair. I used to hate it and now I love it. The percentage of people in a room that have red hair is veruy small. I can usually be the only one sometimes. I would never dye it another color. Just a little lighter or a little darker. Sometimes I wish I could do different colors but then I come to my senses I am a redhead why try to change that.
My curly hair comes from my mom and my dad. It can be a hassle, but when I straighten my hair out and I can't do anyhting with it, I feel for the people with straight hair so I'll take mine and not complain.
My humor. My dad and mom. We joke alot. My dad loves to joke he tells jokes all of the times. He can have a dry funny humor about things to, Me and my sister crack up. My mom loves to laugh, especially at as. If we tell her a funny story she better not have to go to the bathroom because she might pee her pants. She lives for scareing us, all times of year. I am a jumpy person so it doesn't take much. I would watch TV in my room and my mom would stand in my doorway until I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, Just a precsence would make me scream. Then she would laugh for a half an hour about it. Dennis just said that I take after mu mom. He accidently backed into the bedroom door pretty much the skinny part of the door went in his butt. He made this face and I couldn't stop laughing. He was like I'm glad I did'nt get hurt because you would be on the floor laughing. I laughed so hard my eyes were watering and I started wheezing a little. I just keep seeing the face he made. Little things crack me up.
Thats all I can think of right now enjoy.
My curly hair comes from my mom and my dad. It can be a hassle, but when I straighten my hair out and I can't do anyhting with it, I feel for the people with straight hair so I'll take mine and not complain.
My humor. My dad and mom. We joke alot. My dad loves to joke he tells jokes all of the times. He can have a dry funny humor about things to, Me and my sister crack up. My mom loves to laugh, especially at as. If we tell her a funny story she better not have to go to the bathroom because she might pee her pants. She lives for scareing us, all times of year. I am a jumpy person so it doesn't take much. I would watch TV in my room and my mom would stand in my doorway until I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, Just a precsence would make me scream. Then she would laugh for a half an hour about it. Dennis just said that I take after mu mom. He accidently backed into the bedroom door pretty much the skinny part of the door went in his butt. He made this face and I couldn't stop laughing. He was like I'm glad I did'nt get hurt because you would be on the floor laughing. I laughed so hard my eyes were watering and I started wheezing a little. I just keep seeing the face he made. Little things crack me up.
Thats all I can think of right now enjoy.
Things I have inherited from my parents genes
Here are the annoying ones:
I have a hightened sense of smell. I get this from my mom.
We couldn't wear purfume around her.
I can smell things way before many other people. Gas leak, dirty diaper, if someone just ate somewhere and they walk in the room I usually can tell what you ate. If are eating food and I walk in I know as soon as I walk in the room what you are eating. Cologne especially if you wear too much it will give me a headache. Sweet smelling candles give me a headache too.
I can be such a pain I get sinus headaches so I can feel it everytime I breathe in.
I have hightened hearing. I get this from my mom too I think. Certain constant noises drive me insane.
Chewing anything I don't care if it is gum or food or smacking noise with your mouth. I can't handle it. Constant tapping with a object, it is hard to consentrate and listening to this.
Squeaking noises. Constant dog barking little, big It doesn't matter. All I want to do is open my sliding glass door to hear a little shit dog yipping. Shut the hell up.
I sweat excessively. I get this from my Dad. It can be the middle of winter and I'll be sweating. I hate it. I don't sweat every minute of the day but enough especially in the summertime. My feet sweat. my head sweats especially if I get aggravated. This is is the Allen itch. My dad is good for it. We get aggravated and start iching our heads. Sounds stupid but it happens.
Poor eyesight: I can't see for shit without my glasses, none of us can.
I do have some health issue to be aware of boo. Heart disease, diabieties are the two big ones.
I am very grateful that I am heathly and only have the annoying things to deal with.
I have a hightened sense of smell. I get this from my mom.
We couldn't wear purfume around her.
I can smell things way before many other people. Gas leak, dirty diaper, if someone just ate somewhere and they walk in the room I usually can tell what you ate. If are eating food and I walk in I know as soon as I walk in the room what you are eating. Cologne especially if you wear too much it will give me a headache. Sweet smelling candles give me a headache too.
I can be such a pain I get sinus headaches so I can feel it everytime I breathe in.
I have hightened hearing. I get this from my mom too I think. Certain constant noises drive me insane.
Chewing anything I don't care if it is gum or food or smacking noise with your mouth. I can't handle it. Constant tapping with a object, it is hard to consentrate and listening to this.
Squeaking noises. Constant dog barking little, big It doesn't matter. All I want to do is open my sliding glass door to hear a little shit dog yipping. Shut the hell up.
I sweat excessively. I get this from my Dad. It can be the middle of winter and I'll be sweating. I hate it. I don't sweat every minute of the day but enough especially in the summertime. My feet sweat. my head sweats especially if I get aggravated. This is is the Allen itch. My dad is good for it. We get aggravated and start iching our heads. Sounds stupid but it happens.
Poor eyesight: I can't see for shit without my glasses, none of us can.
I do have some health issue to be aware of boo. Heart disease, diabieties are the two big ones.
I am very grateful that I am heathly and only have the annoying things to deal with.
McDonalds was closed?????
My heart was set on McDonalds and its not far from the casino and its cheap. It was Closed. A girl was standing outside telling people it was closed. Okay. I guess if I really wanted to know why I could of asked but I never made it up to the door, she kinda yelled it at me. So weird...
So now I have to find a new place, this is when this gets tricky. I am picky as far as the atsmophere. I'm crazy huh. I knew I wanted to read my magazine and look at receipts. Over the six years of working here and most of the time going by myself this is what I have found.
McDonalds: usually quiet I sit in the back circle table it makes me happy.
Now there is another McDonalds further each way. One someone got shot at. Nice. The other one is a play place too loud and if you sit to close to the bathrooms you can smell the cleaning crap they use. I told you picky. It really matters though.
Wendys: too loud alot of unwatched latino children and spanish speaking. Not my idea of a relaxing lunch.
Arbys: Never go there. i don't like any thing.
Pizza Hut: Depending on the time its okay not too many people. If its busy its like Wendys
Culvers: Probaly my favotite place to chill out. Food is good. Huge booths, Quiet even when every booth is filled. Its called respect. If I do my bills and mail I always try to do it there.
Popeyes: Its never busy busy. But they have a TV. The thing that bothers me the most are the workers. They talk about everything as loud as they can. Can be bothersome. i can't spell the other word I am thing of.
A&W: Can get busy and loud because the music is loud so people are louder. The staff has to be loud to. Not to bad. I have to really be in the mood for there food. Good thing is I can eat outside and I don't have to worry about it.
Panera: Across town, Worst thing not a lot of seating, always busy and you are lucky you get to sit. Really lucky to get a booth, otherwise you kinda end of sitting next to other people and hearing there conversation like you are in it.
Other Wendys: This one is quiet and nice, never too crazy busy.
Jimmy Johns: another one with seating issue, very very little seating. Only 4 booths and the rest is in a chair facing a wall. Awesome hello wall that is a couple feet in front of my face.
Taco Bell: Never busy. Lots of light not to much noise and I like to chill in the corner.
Subway: You always smell like something when you leave. The staff talk alot of smack. They are never happy. Seating is okay.
Thats as many places I can think of that I could go to lunch to and all the fun that comes with each.
I ended up going to Culvers. Had a butterburger frys and mashed potatoes w/ the best gravy ever. I dip the fries in the mashed potatoes and gravy. To die for. Cant' forget the mountatin dew. Yummy.
So now I have to find a new place, this is when this gets tricky. I am picky as far as the atsmophere. I'm crazy huh. I knew I wanted to read my magazine and look at receipts. Over the six years of working here and most of the time going by myself this is what I have found.
McDonalds: usually quiet I sit in the back circle table it makes me happy.
Now there is another McDonalds further each way. One someone got shot at. Nice. The other one is a play place too loud and if you sit to close to the bathrooms you can smell the cleaning crap they use. I told you picky. It really matters though.
Wendys: too loud alot of unwatched latino children and spanish speaking. Not my idea of a relaxing lunch.
Arbys: Never go there. i don't like any thing.
Pizza Hut: Depending on the time its okay not too many people. If its busy its like Wendys
Culvers: Probaly my favotite place to chill out. Food is good. Huge booths, Quiet even when every booth is filled. Its called respect. If I do my bills and mail I always try to do it there.
Popeyes: Its never busy busy. But they have a TV. The thing that bothers me the most are the workers. They talk about everything as loud as they can. Can be bothersome. i can't spell the other word I am thing of.
A&W: Can get busy and loud because the music is loud so people are louder. The staff has to be loud to. Not to bad. I have to really be in the mood for there food. Good thing is I can eat outside and I don't have to worry about it.
Panera: Across town, Worst thing not a lot of seating, always busy and you are lucky you get to sit. Really lucky to get a booth, otherwise you kinda end of sitting next to other people and hearing there conversation like you are in it.
Other Wendys: This one is quiet and nice, never too crazy busy.
Jimmy Johns: another one with seating issue, very very little seating. Only 4 booths and the rest is in a chair facing a wall. Awesome hello wall that is a couple feet in front of my face.
Taco Bell: Never busy. Lots of light not to much noise and I like to chill in the corner.
Subway: You always smell like something when you leave. The staff talk alot of smack. They are never happy. Seating is okay.
Thats as many places I can think of that I could go to lunch to and all the fun that comes with each.
I ended up going to Culvers. Had a butterburger frys and mashed potatoes w/ the best gravy ever. I dip the fries in the mashed potatoes and gravy. To die for. Cant' forget the mountatin dew. Yummy.
So tired today
I feel worn out. I don't know why I felt like I got sleep.
I came home from work last night earlier than I thought I would. Me and Jacki were going to do 3D trades for our meeting but she was worn out from her day and was ready to relax. It was all good I had started yawning in my car on my way home. I'm glad I didn't go because I have been on splitcoast looking at 3ds and I have changed my mind.
As cute as mine were I wasn't totally happy about them. So I will have to test the new ones out and see how they work.
I was happy to just come home cook my meal just for me, Dennis wasn't hungry. So I cooked Speghetti, corn, texas toast and sauce. It was good, I felt like iltalian food too. I watched Real World last weeks and this weeks. I don't usually watch it on TV I wastch it online. I also watched some sex and the city and Becoming a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. The Dallas Cowboy on was on CMT which I have no reason to watch but I was interested in this show. More reality, I didn't care to much for the coaches I guess you would call them, I'm sure they are burnt out ex Dallas Cheerleaders from a million years ago. Before I went to bed I started watching Charlies Angels the movie not the show, haha. So I enjoyed just chilling out and watching TV.
Now as far as today is concerned I am hungry and gonna get me some cheap ass McDonalds I think.
I came home from work last night earlier than I thought I would. Me and Jacki were going to do 3D trades for our meeting but she was worn out from her day and was ready to relax. It was all good I had started yawning in my car on my way home. I'm glad I didn't go because I have been on splitcoast looking at 3ds and I have changed my mind.
As cute as mine were I wasn't totally happy about them. So I will have to test the new ones out and see how they work.
I was happy to just come home cook my meal just for me, Dennis wasn't hungry. So I cooked Speghetti, corn, texas toast and sauce. It was good, I felt like iltalian food too. I watched Real World last weeks and this weeks. I don't usually watch it on TV I wastch it online. I also watched some sex and the city and Becoming a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. The Dallas Cowboy on was on CMT which I have no reason to watch but I was interested in this show. More reality, I didn't care to much for the coaches I guess you would call them, I'm sure they are burnt out ex Dallas Cheerleaders from a million years ago. Before I went to bed I started watching Charlies Angels the movie not the show, haha. So I enjoyed just chilling out and watching TV.
Now as far as today is concerned I am hungry and gonna get me some cheap ass McDonalds I think.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Greys episode 2 update
Yes. I was so happy to see George so happy. I has a long time. He is so happy that he is in love with Izzy and was ready to tell Callie at that moment. Further along in the episode Izzy asks him not to tell Callie yet because she is her boss. No don't do that shit. You bother the hell out of him that you love him and now you want him to wait, bad move.
I am a big supporter of the George and Izzy situation. George should never of gotten married, I believe they were married in Vegas very spur of the moment. It made him happy to mask the pain of losing his father.
I am more excited about that situation than the MerDer(Merideth/Derek) situation.
Gotta work so I will have more later.
I am a big supporter of the George and Izzy situation. George should never of gotten married, I believe they were married in Vegas very spur of the moment. It made him happy to mask the pain of losing his father.
I am more excited about that situation than the MerDer(Merideth/Derek) situation.
Gotta work so I will have more later.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Greys whoohoo
Yes episode two of Greys.
I am looking forward to the aftermath of Izzy and George. I am for it.
I am looking forward to the Merideth and McDreamy mess. Still having sex? No relationship?
I am looking forward to Christina and Burkes mother run in.
I will have updates tomorrow not that anyone really cares but its fun.
I do feel like I talk to myself more than people are listening, who knows???
I am looking forward to the aftermath of Izzy and George. I am for it.
I am looking forward to the Merideth and McDreamy mess. Still having sex? No relationship?
I am looking forward to Christina and Burkes mother run in.
I will have updates tomorrow not that anyone really cares but its fun.
I do feel like I talk to myself more than people are listening, who knows???
I've been busy...
reading everybody elses blogs. Catching up from my time off.
So I of course was busy beaver.
Sat: I worked 22hour shift up 24 hours. I went to sleep 8:00am Sun Morning woke up at 12:00pm wow a whole 4 hours.
Sun: After waking up I took a shower and headed to Kim's house. She is having a Halloween party and making 100 invitations. I offered to help her. We did 50 last Sunday and finished the other 50 this Sunday. It was about 9 hours of work all around. I enjoy doing it I never get a chance to make things other than last minute meeting trades or last minute camp cards. Notice last minute. I left Kim's and went to see my mom for a couple of hours. It was nice weather and we sat on the swing until the bugs came out.
She scared the shit out of me and Lindsay with a spider that is sensored to fall when you walk in a room. It was in the bathroom and I screamed like the sissy I am and Lindsay peed her pants. It was hilarious.
I was able to catch Rock of Love w/ bret michaels. I am so addicted to it now, of course at the end. It was awesome. I never liked Heather, I could see right through her. Yeah for Jes. It was an awesome episode. Next week is the reunion, this should be good!!!!
Mon: I had nothing planned, Dennis was working. So I slept it did my hair. I don't do my hair often anymore crazy curls everywhere. Went out to Jacki's house spent some time with Mia. We got her ready for Gigi's house(Jacki's Mom) Sue cooked us dinner, so awesome, free food and both me and Jacki were starving.
We drove out to Mokena for our meeting. Good time, so layed back. Depending on your sales depended on how many project you got to make. I got the first level. But it is good for me. its my highest sales probably in a year. So it was an accomplishment to me. We stayed and talked and talked and talked until 2:00 in the morning. I got home at 3:00am wow. But it was a good time.
Tues: Last day of work at Frosty Tips for the season. Slowish day. I cleaned the hell out of the store. My Dad never notices though. I had an asshole customer who is lucky I didn't throw ice cream on him. I know my dad would be mad is I did. He still got major attitude.
I then went to Jackis mom house again to have spaghetti dinner. The reason is because she forgot to turn it on the day before. So we all ate is was very good. Then played with Mia a little. I had to go but not empty handed. I got pickles, a pretty mum in a pot, cereal, coupons, magazine and a candle. Jacki calls it the mommy store when she leaves with stuff. She is like my second mom.
Wends: I had nothing at all planned for the day. i slept in til 12:00, took walk with Dennis around the block, went and got water jugs filled, I have no shower and am meeting Sarah at 4:00 after work. At 2:00 my calls and says she is down the street. So her and Linds came over and hung out for awhile. Finaally took my shower and me and Sarah went to Chilis. I had these chicken crispers that I like, but I think they gave me a tummy ache. So maybe not anymore. But it was good when I was eating it.
We then went to Meiyer and check out the whole place for 2 hours. Looking at fun stuff.
After that we visited my Dad at the store and talked with him for awhile. Sarah bought him some chicken and my dad said she overpaid for it, it tasted like it came out of the dumpster. It was funny. Sarah only paid $2.00 for it. They were going to throw it away soon I think.
So I finally got home at 11:00pm spent an hour with Dennis before going to bed.
Yeah thats my time off. Now I am getting ready to leave work for Greys at Sarahs. Yes!!!!
So I of course was busy beaver.
Sat: I worked 22hour shift up 24 hours. I went to sleep 8:00am Sun Morning woke up at 12:00pm wow a whole 4 hours.
Sun: After waking up I took a shower and headed to Kim's house. She is having a Halloween party and making 100 invitations. I offered to help her. We did 50 last Sunday and finished the other 50 this Sunday. It was about 9 hours of work all around. I enjoy doing it I never get a chance to make things other than last minute meeting trades or last minute camp cards. Notice last minute. I left Kim's and went to see my mom for a couple of hours. It was nice weather and we sat on the swing until the bugs came out.
She scared the shit out of me and Lindsay with a spider that is sensored to fall when you walk in a room. It was in the bathroom and I screamed like the sissy I am and Lindsay peed her pants. It was hilarious.
I was able to catch Rock of Love w/ bret michaels. I am so addicted to it now, of course at the end. It was awesome. I never liked Heather, I could see right through her. Yeah for Jes. It was an awesome episode. Next week is the reunion, this should be good!!!!
Mon: I had nothing planned, Dennis was working. So I slept it did my hair. I don't do my hair often anymore crazy curls everywhere. Went out to Jacki's house spent some time with Mia. We got her ready for Gigi's house(Jacki's Mom) Sue cooked us dinner, so awesome, free food and both me and Jacki were starving.
We drove out to Mokena for our meeting. Good time, so layed back. Depending on your sales depended on how many project you got to make. I got the first level. But it is good for me. its my highest sales probably in a year. So it was an accomplishment to me. We stayed and talked and talked and talked until 2:00 in the morning. I got home at 3:00am wow. But it was a good time.
Tues: Last day of work at Frosty Tips for the season. Slowish day. I cleaned the hell out of the store. My Dad never notices though. I had an asshole customer who is lucky I didn't throw ice cream on him. I know my dad would be mad is I did. He still got major attitude.
I then went to Jackis mom house again to have spaghetti dinner. The reason is because she forgot to turn it on the day before. So we all ate is was very good. Then played with Mia a little. I had to go but not empty handed. I got pickles, a pretty mum in a pot, cereal, coupons, magazine and a candle. Jacki calls it the mommy store when she leaves with stuff. She is like my second mom.
Wends: I had nothing at all planned for the day. i slept in til 12:00, took walk with Dennis around the block, went and got water jugs filled, I have no shower and am meeting Sarah at 4:00 after work. At 2:00 my calls and says she is down the street. So her and Linds came over and hung out for awhile. Finaally took my shower and me and Sarah went to Chilis. I had these chicken crispers that I like, but I think they gave me a tummy ache. So maybe not anymore. But it was good when I was eating it.
We then went to Meiyer and check out the whole place for 2 hours. Looking at fun stuff.
After that we visited my Dad at the store and talked with him for awhile. Sarah bought him some chicken and my dad said she overpaid for it, it tasted like it came out of the dumpster. It was funny. Sarah only paid $2.00 for it. They were going to throw it away soon I think.
So I finally got home at 11:00pm spent an hour with Dennis before going to bed.
Yeah thats my time off. Now I am getting ready to leave work for Greys at Sarahs. Yes!!!!
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