You feel something possibly tickling your neck. You realize your hair is down and it may be a stray. BUT... this stray was moving a little too much.
This stray was not a stray it was this:

I knew this because I said "Dennis I think theres something on me" and by the time he looked over it moved from my neck to my boob and he hit it but he didn't want to spook me too much by hitting me hard. He saw it fall or run down my side.
I got a glipmse of the thing so I was freaking the hell out. So I made a high pitched noise and as fast as I could but as safe as I could pulled over to the side of the highway.
I got the hell out and people probably thought i was on fire. I was shaking my hair and brushing my self off, all while cars are speeding past me at lightning speed. I had Dennis look under my shirt. He was also inside the car trying to find it, with no luck.
So I wasn't going to kill myself by getting hit by a car so I got back in and luckily Dennis injured him(I found a couple of his legs on me, yum) and I found him next to my seat and killed him.
Not cool not one bit. I can't believe that thing was crawing on me let alone my bare skin. And how long was he chilling on me. eeekkk!!!
Thank you for re-giving me the eebee-gebees from hearing your story again.
Glad you could compose yourself, I persay would have swerved over abd stark naked all while screaming and running to my destination.
Ya, but that's just me...
I have a similar story. I think it happened when Jason and I were first married...I was trying on 55 to Palos Hills for a college class. It was morning so there was a ton of traffic. And it was summertime so I was wearing shorts. All of a sudden I saw this HUGE spider. I swear it was the biggest that I have ever seen. It was crawling on me. I went nuts trying to get it off me. I'm lucky that I didn't crash and kill myself. I ended up missing my exit I was so hysterical. People probably thought that I was on drugs or something. I'll never ever forget that. You're lucky Dennis was with you and that you were able to pull over!!
That is so gross and so freakin scary. I was driving the other day and all of the sudden saw a spider on the inside of my winshield right in front of me. I grabbed my water bottle and smached the crap out of it.
Your story gives me the eeebbbiieee jjjeeeebbbbiiiieeeeesss.
I would have screamed bloddy frekin murder and might just might have caused an accident. Glad you were able to pull over safely.
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