This is me take it or leave it. This is my journey back to my past self. Enjoy the ride, its a bumpy one.
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Homecoming cont....
She looks so cute in her baby blue dress.
I did her nails with an irresdecent color that matched her dress. She wanted me to do them even though it was midnight, I did them anytway. Sleep os so overrated,right.
I will be helping her with her hair too...She want curls, so we'll see.
yay this is why I am getting off early, for being a part of the memories.
Sarah really wants to be there but she is in Effiingham doing training for work. that sucks.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Baby sister going to Homecoming????

Bees = anger management

Bees get so angry that they have to sting you and then just die.
Wow maybe bee anger management would help
I trapped a bee at lunch so it would sting me and watched it try to sting the bag multiple time.
I know interesting lunch...huh Its better than being in a windowless hell. Jayme you know what I am talking about.
Fat Farmer????????????????????????
My dad bought a new pair of sneakers. I said to my dad nice shoes, they were white with a gold P on the side. I asked him what the P stood for, he didn't know. But he knew that he got them for a good deal, thats my dad wheeling and dealing.
So I saw him later on in the day and Sarah was with me at the store. Sarah asked me what I thought of dads bling bling. Well i hadn't noticed that the P was in shiny gold.
I start laughing and say i bet they are Phat Farm, My dad replies with a dramatic response"Fat Farmer??!!?? No dad, Phat Farm. We were in tears laughing. He still had no idea about this Fat Farmer shoe he is wearing. We just joked that he might get jacked for his shoes.
For anyone that didn't know Phat Farm is a clothing line owned by Russell Simmons. From Run DMC and Runs House. It is a Hip Hop clothing line.
My dad is 65 I find it hilarious that he is walking around in Phat farm shoes. That my daddy!!!
Bug invasion.....ahhhhhhhh
I have been finding random bugs in my room and now one in my bed, nope sorry can't have it.
It started just in the beginning of my week. I had some type of beetle at the bottom of my bed on top of my comforter. So I flicked it and killed it.
Well it got even better when I found a dead dried up centipede on my floor.
Then it got better when I woke up next to a effing beetle. I could of just spooned it. It freaked me out and I flicked it...so I am sure he is alive somewhere...great.
Last night I actually started looking and found more fun bugs...this is absolutely ridiculous, am I living outside or what.
I found a furry caterpillar, 2 tiny spiders on my ceiling and an effing ant crawling up my wall.
Now I can understand one type of bug but the damn nation.
Either way. My room is directly in front of the front door. So the bugaboo must walk right in and make their home in MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Sunday Dennis is going to spray the shit out of my room.He has the shit that people pay the big bucks for, from his pest control business venture.
Um yeah it does help that I am all packed in. I have boxes, bins, papasan mattress. bookshelves, desk. UGGGHHH I get to pull it all out with the help of Dennis of course.
So I am so (with sarcasm) looking forward to sleeping in my bed, after I search the room again of course.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Last Day of Summer...
Me and Dennis enjoyed our last day of summer by doing the staple things that make summer.
We swam in the pool, it was 70 degrees. a little cold even for me.
We got attacked by black biting bugs, you can't have summer with out bugs.
We cooked burgers on the grill...ah the smell of grill food.
We played outdoor games... so I lost at Ladder Ball, oh well it was still fun.
We don't have many warm beautiful days left so take them all in now. I love fall but that is only closer to the horrid winter. I can't even think about it.
Hope everyone else enjoyed their last official day of summer.
Ah the night shift...
So far I have scanned the internet and blogs then ate my pizza and watched Sixteen Candles and Happy Feet. That was teh first time watching Happy Feet, It was a good movie.
I am moving on to my next movie. Anything to keep me awake. I brought a 2 liter of Mountain Dew and bought a mocha latte made by Cinnabon. I have snacks to keep up energy up. But I am looking forward to most is going home and sleeping. Who wouldn't.
I was good and forced myself to take a nap before work. It was an hour and a half but I think it helped.
I have about 3 hours left. Looking forward it.....
Now on to my next movie, should it be Bruce Almighty, Purple Rain, Drop dead Fred....
Talk to you later
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"I'm giving her a makeover"
Her and Sarah saw a girl with a similar sweater on a Makeover show. I guess these sweaters are sooo over. Haha!
So happened to notice a hole earlier in the day and let Lindsay tear it while it was still on me.
We turned in into wings and a hoochie dress. You had to be there but it was a riot.
Lindsay can be so funny sometimes.
In the News....
They are in critical condition at a burn unit.
See the article and video here. http://music.msn.com/music/article.aspx/?news=331465>1=28102
I hope they are going to be okay.
Things I miss from the 80's
It prompted me to do this: Thanks Susz.
Cabbage Pack babies that smelled like baby powder.
Teen Witch, I need to own this movie
Reindeers from Burger King meals. I had Ronda the Reindeer, But it came out Wonda the weindeer.
Jelly shoes.
Tiffany...I think were alone now...
Disk Cameras...i still own mine
Atari... we spent hours trying to beat Montezuma's revenge.
Remote controls that were connected to Tv... no cordless yet
Big Strawberry from Strawberry Shortcake. I would pay for one of those to this day.
Trick or Treating at night... they way its is supposed to be.
Trapper Keepers...rrrriiiipppp...the loudest binder on earth.
Big Wheel... you know the manual kind not this powered stuff they have now.
Doing the slide to stop the big wheel...so awesome
Running through sprinklers
MTV... watching videos...what happened with that anyways...wheres the effing videos.
Barbie and Ken...whats the Brats big heads.
My brother pulling the Barbie heads off and my dad having to reattach the head. Barbie face got chubbier and she was never the same.
Burrito Supremes w/ olives... they did away with olives???
Having Mountain Dew and Taco Bell with my mom just me and her. That may be the start of my Mountain Dew addiction.
Seeing my Grandma and Grandpa every Sunday... I miss you two so much...
Playing with paper dolls with my sis at Grandamas
Being so excited when Daddy came home from work.
My first Love, Joey, from Kindergarten to 5th grade
My house on 111 Sunset Strip...coolest name ever.
My dad tucking me in like a burrito.
Vicks, my dad would cover us in it. I hate the smell, But I miss that moment.
My happy family...how I would go back and try to change things to keep mom and dad together...Tears...
Okay this just got sad. Signing off... Always cherish the memories...
Baby Mama and Iced coffee
So I enjoyed my iced coffee with a pound of sugar in it, because the coffee is so strong, and watched Baby Mama.
It was okay. It killed a couple hours of my morning though. So whats next, I have a buttload of movies and I got the jitters. I need something funny.
Moving on...This week is neverending, like the story, get it.
Sunday is gonna blow. I want a new job. Damn I wanted that Dental one. Boo!
Well off to watch another movie, maybe lunch soon.
I chose coffee over Mcy d's coke today thats a huge step. I so would rather have mcy d's coke.
i am gonna stop rambling. bye
Friday, September 19, 2008
More questions I made up...
My Grandma. I would be a balling mess, I miss her sooo much I didn't get to know her well enough. I was only 14 when she passed away. I would tell her I love her and tell her to start from the beginning. I want to know about her whole life. I would also ask her if she could see me and if she was ever in my presence. She is a huge part of me, I cry everytime I think about her. Its been 14 years since she passed.
Who would you like to knock out or verbally smack down from your past?
Both of these people would be knocked out for sure:
J*nnifer B*lling$ley: this girl tortured me for no good reason in school. From 5th grade through middle school. I really would like an explanation from her too. Nothing constitutes treating me like shit.
Y^onne : Ex best friend. This bitch turned everyone of my friends against me in my Sophomore year. Again no good reason. Worst time of my life. No one would tell me why. Walking through school being laughed at and hated. Another explanation would be needed then I would knock her out again.
Heres the thing I was a quiet, trusting girl growing up. Nothing like now. I know for a fact I did nothing to deserve the shit from these two.
What is your best feature and why?
My crazy red hair. Its makes me different and stand out from the pack. I used to hate it with a passion because kids made fun of me. I love it now. I will never die it another color, people would shoot me if they found out. It also compliments my crazy personality.
Feel free to steal an post on your own page.
If you could come back as any animal what would you be?
A monkey, They are always playing around and can swing to their destinations.
6 Questions...
I just started working at Empress for about 3 months with this crazy blond who cracked my ass up, Who knew Jacki would be my bestest friend to this day. We did have a ton of fun. But it was us rebelling against the Empress people. Heehee! Dennis was living in Campaign so I would commute between the two, this is with college in between. I pretty much lived out of a bag and I would be somewhere different every couple of days.
2. What is on today's To Do List?
Stay awake. Do my bills and checking. I just got paid...its Friday night...
3. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
The family would be taken care of very well with cars and houses. Not sure if I would stay in Illinois?? Frosty Tips would become a common ice cream joint. Not to common. I would donate to many charities but mainly Cancer research. Aids research and some other not so common like Dystonia research. I would have a boutique with clothing that fits the curvier girls. With big boobs and big butts. Its so hard to find clothes some times. I would definitely vacation wherever I wanted whenever I wanted.
4. Name 5 places you have lived
Joliet, Wilmington, Crest Hill
5. Name 3 of your bad habits
Swearing number one by far, I like it though. drinking tons of pop, procrastinate to the fullest
6. What are your favorite snacks?
Brownies, Frosty tips ice cream, flavored crackers(chicken n biscuit, veggie, sour cream onion, so on)
Mountain Dew...I love you... do do to do...
Loving the mountain dew today big time. I was falling fast and needed a huge pick me up.
For lunch I went to Taco Bell because they have the biggest mountain dew's that come with meals. I drank most of one there and refilled and I am still drinking.
So I wonder when this crash will be.
Oops I am supposed to be weening myself off of pop. Oh well I am awake right.
My hair...pouf
I am surprised. I accidently came across this new do. I have been do a pouf, kinda faux hawk top, I don't know what to call it, We will call it bangs up in a clip and the rest of my hair down and curly or straight.
I got hot and put the rest of my hair in a clip and walla!! New Do!
Works for me, I have had many people compliment my hair more than expected. I guess its a keeper for now. I will post pics one of these days.
I am so over...
Either Playboy or brown with swirly flowers.
We'll see how I feel...
8 random Things that happened yesterday
2. Half way through the latte I was wired. Ready to do jumping jacks and the whole nine.
3. I was stalked by my stalker here at work. Creepy, really creepy.
4. I started crashing hard from latte...then number 5 happen and I was awake.
5. I was approached by a VP who heard I wanted to be a supervisor and pretty much told me to apply. Its possible I am the wrong person??? Still very confused about this.
6. Spend majority of my time putting a fax machine together sitting on a step stool. Come on a step stool...
7. Had to take a stupid detour on my way home from work. I hate detours. You just end up someplace and hope the roads take you home. Fun Fun.
8. Watched Chinese speaking TV with Dennis for fun. I started speaking Chinese, it was pretty funny.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Big Brother...yeah spoiler
Because I am working the night shift. Not much longer to go so this is gonna be short.
I am totally hooked on big brother and I may not have the feeds but I have definitely kept up with Jokers Updates, HamsterWatch and Morty's. I am so glad these sites are around.
My biggest surprise was Keesha. I really thought Renny(my fav and votes) or Jerry (not a fav, which I was so happy when he was second) But Keesha I never would have guessed. I liked her but she wasn't the most entertaining person in there, but good for her, I am happy she got it.
Now its all over and Survivor is starting up and I am already looking forward to the next Big Brother.
Thats my little blog post for today.
Let me know what your thoughts were. Were you surprised? Was Dan or Memphis your pick? ETC ETC...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Welcome...I brought the brownies

My story...the beginning...
Fall is coming, WEEE....

So is Fall your fav or does another season do it for you. Leave me a comment and let me know.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I will always remember....
I was living at home sleeping from working the night shift @ the casino. I was woken up by my mother who told me a plane had gone through a building in New York.(I had no idea what the World Trade buildings were) So my first thought, and I do feel bad for this, is anger. I was sleeping, I just wanted to sleep. So my mom can be a little bit of a worry wort. So I didn't think anything of her being a little neurotic about this situation. My mom came back in my room and turned my TV on, she said "somethings not right" She had a feeling and we found out very quickly her feeling was right on.
I unlike most people was home watching the second plane crash into the second tower. I watched it all live and those images will never go away. I remember being scared but I had been controlling myself. No one knew at the time who or why this was happening.
I was sitting on my bed in my room watching my little TV. I heard a loud explosion and down went the first tower. Holy shit, the media reported that a bomb had gone off inside this building. Thats all I could take. I started balling. My mom had no idea I was totally freaking out. But it only got worse knowing that other planes had gone missing and when the Pentagon was hit and another crashed on its way to the White House. Yeah I was definitely awake now.
Heres the thing, where I live is surrounded by nuclear plants and Mobil oil. We are in the red and yellow zones if there is ever a problem. I was scared shitless. I had gotten a hold of Dennis and my mom got a hold of Darryl and Sarah. We were all accounted for but we weren't all together and that messed with me. There was a sense not knowing whats next.
The most disrespectful thing I remember that morning/afternoon was the next door neighbor coming over to sell candles. Are you shitting me. I don't want to sniff your effing candles lady. People are dead and dying and the whole world just changed forever and you want me to buy candles. Believe me I went as far as wondering if we would be around to even receive these candles.
Unfortunately the other details of the day are foggy so I need to talk to my mom and Dennis and see where i fit into there stories.
I really feel for any family that was affected by this tragedy.
I know that I will always remember....................
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Opinions...have a leg to stand on
Opinions are great you should have them. But have some knowledge on what you have an opinion on.
Many people are opinionated but have nothing to back their argument. And that is one thing that bothers me, maybe even a pet peeve.
One of the new survivors mentioned this in her interview and I totally agree.
Believe me "I don't like the color green or pizza w/ mushrooms" doesn't fall into this category. Just think important life changing issues.
Its good to be educate and not to judge.
Shopping...love/hate relationshiip...
Number 1: it takes money from the money tree to purchased these wonderful clothes
-I am now ready to spend the big bucks, haha, on clothes. Okay number 1 taken care off.
Number 2: My body shape is down right stupid, yes I called my body stupid. But it is.
-I have this square shapish and long torso. I have just started noticing that we all have different sizes of torso, I know it sounds dumb, but seriously I find myself slouching because i feel like I am towering over person just sitting up. Okay I am not a freak of nature or anything. But my butt is further down and it looks like I have no waist. Its all because I am stretched out.
So on to the reason. You need a freaking a waist to hold up your pants, thank you mom and dad for creating me. If I was to wear my pants anywhere near my waist I'd be wearing 80 stone washed jeans, you got a visual or maybe even Steve Erkel, we all remember him.
Moral - pants shopping sucks.
Number 3: Let just say Holy BOOBS.
-I have a size 38D boobins I am average weight for my height of 5'7. So I always have to get size large or extra large shirts. Well this make me look like i am swimming in them and totally loose the little curve I have. Now I really look like a Square :(
Moral- shirt shopping sucks.
Number 4: I have tiny wide feet.
So all of the cute 6's and 7's only fit narrow feet. Come on mom and Dad, do I get something normal.
Ask anyone I know, you don't want to go shoe shopping with me no..no.. They go screaming in the other direction.
Moral - shoe shopping really sucks.
I have gotten used to all of this because it is me.
I love to shop its just more of a chore than anything. But I love me and the things that I can change I will everything else I just grow to love.
I will just rock out my square, boobyfied, funny feet self. HAHAHA I even make myself laugh.
My college education went to ... Dairy Queen???
This is what my dad told me last week.
My dad has had Frosty Tips in the Shorewood location for 38 years. There was no other ice cream joint in the area or even close by until about 15 years ago. I could be off a year or two.
Well we kicked ass in sales until the bitch ass Dairy Queen moved into Shorewood, heres the thing they were supposed to move down the street but some thing happened and they moved directly across the street. It was a bunk move and I am sure intentional. This cut sales in half.
So onto my convo with father, well they were going to buy the store front next door and expand for seating. But do to the bullshit Dairy Queen pulled that didn't happen by far. Too bad especially when I found out the other day that I could of had a college education.
So my shout out to Dairy Queen owner across the street...Fuck you fucker....
This is obviously a touchy subject, being family owned and all.
I actually cried out of anger and sadness when I drove past the Frosty Tips on Theodore. It has the Frosty Tips name and was fucking sold. This was a store that my dad had nothing to do with. But you don't sell a store with the name when there is a current store with the name. I had to calm myself down in the car.
I take a ton of pride when it comes to the store. I don't like anyone messing with that.
Fun note: I was getting my glasses fitted yesterday and the girl helping me saw that I was wearing the Frosty Tips shirt and LOVES Frosty Tips, she was just telling the girls there that she was craving ice cream, she was going later to get some. It makes me feel good to hear anything like that.
Sporting my new glasses.....
I am getting used to them, I can see the frames so it bothers me a little. I am really excited to continue to change my look. I have my punkish hair and new glasses. New me in a sense.
First I cut my hair short,
then style it different
then really style it different, I call it the pouf and them put all of my curls on top.
Now new hot glasses.
Lindsay says they make me look smart.
Mom likes them alot, she says they fit my face perfect.
Dennis like them too.
Thats all that have seen them so far.
My next couple of goals are:
to change my clothes style. Go SHOPPPING!!!!!!!!
and fix my teeth, this is a huge one and take money$$$ but now that Sarah works at an office we'll see how affordable it will be.
So be on the lookout for some pics, maybe tomorrow.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Im Back...read me...
Hey everyone! This is just the start of my blog topics more to come heres a preview:
Labor Day Weekend...Fun vs Shock
Opinions...have a leg to stand on
I love me Dammit...
My college education went to Dairy Queen...nice
My Story...part 1... The beginning...
This is just the tip, I am ready to write and I am ready to be read.
New shows...so excited...is that sad?
I never been so excited for shows, I guess this is the most I have ever had.
Here we gooooo!

I love love love this show it started on Oct 3rd. Sarah got me into this show and it is so entertaining. Love the cast they work so well together and even though it is about solving murders and freak accidents by forensics it is far from as boring as CSI and those shows. Its not so serious. It comes on FOX @ 7:00 on Wed
I have been addicted to these mtv shows since the start. Some people have grown out of them but not me. This season is totally switched up sounds like survivor style. It comes on MTV on Weds 9:00 starting SEPT 10th

I accidentally came across this show. I love it! The character are freaking hilarious. This is a show that sits under the radar I think it is worth checking out. I can't wait for this one to start the most. Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie) and Allison Hannigan(American Pie) are in it. Comes on ABC @ 7:30 on Mondays starts on 9/22. Whoohoo!!!

I have only watched parts and pieces of other seasons and I will probably not see the whole season, but I am excited to see some more familiar faces. I am most excited about Kim Kardasian and Lance Bass. Comes on ABC @ 7:00 on Mondays. Starts on 9/22

Thank you Jacki for getting me into this show. It took me forever to get on the bandwagon but I really do enjoy this show. i am looking forward to this cast most of them are my age so that is cool and i am so addicted I watched all of there interviews. Comes on CBS @ 7:00 Thurs. Starts Sept 25th.

This show Sarah got me hooked on big time. We have weekly get togethers just to watch the show. Again love the character and how well they mesh together. I am addicted to this show and leave work early to get to watch it in time. It has serious and comedic moments all in one show. Comes on ABC @ 7:00 Thurs Starts on 9/25
Some people think this show is stupid but I don't. It is very entertaining. Yay! Comes on E! @10:00 on Sunday Starts 10/5

This is my newest show and I think I have caught up with all of the episodes. Another Love it! Christina Applegate is so funny and pretty and the cast cracks me up. Great show! Comes on ABC @ 8:30 Monday Starts 10/6
This blog took forever because I had to find all of the pics But I like pics. So So excited and looking forward to Fall. Check out one of these new shows its worth a try. And I don't' even get paid to say that.
If you watch any of these shows let me know and comment.
October 23 - November 21
Your sign is the sign for new horizons. Yet, it's possible that the changes you've been going through lately aren't completely finished. You may even have a hard time keeping yourself from just running away from it all. Your rebirth will only be complete when you have clearly defined your wants and desires, dear Scorpio. So why not use today to take one last trip into the world inside yourself to think about what you want? Things aren't totally clear...
This is a very true horoscope. I saw one simalar in a magazine the other day. Things aren't totally clear and I am okay with that. Come on, I always needed to know the future. But I have been okay just day to day week to week. If I think too far I start to stress out.
"your rebirth" wow never thought of it like that but its true just like my blog description, This is my journey back to my past self.
I can breathe again...
The link above is from the end of February 2008. When I realized my life was changing no matter what.
It is September 2008 and the evil monkey that was beating the shit out of me has gotten off and just makes faces at me every now and then from a distance. Funny huh!
I seriously can breathe, when you are under that much pressure and stress its like every muscle in your body is tense.
I can finally start to save even if it is a little tiny bit at a time and pay more on my bill minimums.
Maybe even buy something for myself. WOW!
It wasn't an easy journey and I lost my pride big time but I got up dusted myself off and said Fuck the world. Whatever! So I am living in a room at my moms, and I drive a lot longer to work. But I am effing happy. That is all that matters in my book. I'm the author dammit.
Either way this is just my blog to myself and my friends, Its a different Jen. I am bound and determined to get what I want and I will get what I want. I just need to procrastinate a little less. Too bad there isn't a medication for that haha.