Thursday, September 6, 2007

Mia pics

These first three pics are the day Jacki told me she was pregnant again.Mia cracks me up when I took this picture she was walking toward the camera and I had to lean onto my back to take this. She wanted to see herself on the camera
Tasty Magnet

Here is a good smile that Jacki got out of here. Hey Jayme if you click on the picture that is your moving announment she is playing with. I was joking with Jacki that we'll make fun of the flooring with Mia is older.

Jacki, Ed, and Mia came to get Ice cream. Mia is all ready with her bib and has an ice cream mustache. Again she is coming for the camera.
Check out Jacki's finger in the background.

Mommy is feeding her ice cream

1 comment:

Jayme said...

What a cutie! I love the ice cream pics.