Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hello Im nervous

I am back to work again.

My Dad is at Hines VA hospital right now trying to figure out what is wrong with his health.
His doctor thinks it has to do with his heart and so do we just by the symptoms. I really hope that it is not anything serious. I want it to be as routine as it can possibly get. His doctor said if they find any blockage that they are going to do something today. My sister is with him the appointment is at 8:00 and it is 9:42. It is going to be on my mind until I hear something.

So on another note I had the fun of speaking to Nextel. I owe them money and they want to shut my phone off. Whatever got them to hold on until the 15th. So much fun. Well at least my bith control is in. I went in the other day and I had no refills WTF it has only been 5 months. I am getting sick of my gyny office and just stupidity in general.

I am fine considering I just wanted to blog.

I have pics that I will upload later from my weekend.
Good Stuff.
Well I am going to be working today.
Pray for my sanity and my dad.

1 comment:

Jayme said...

I hope your dad is OK. Any news? I'll try to call you in the morning.