Saturday, June 9, 2007

Update on my dad

When my dad went in for his stress test, it didn't take long for them to find something wrong.

They decided that they were going to do an angiogram to shot dye into his arteries. They found 4 blockages. One was 99% blocked. They gave my dad a decision between bypass surgery or inserting stints into the arteries to open them up. The recovery time for the stints is days compared to weeks for open heart surgery. They went through his groin artery.

Yes I was freaking out and I was at work at the time. When they found the blockage they went right in. Sarah was up at the hospital so I recieved many updates. The people here at work had a lot of knowledge of stints and all this fun stuff so they put me at ease. I didn't know how common of a procedure that this was. So of course lots of freaking out.

Either way he had to lay still for 6 hours with a 10 sand bag on his leg.
He is doing good, me and Sarah are running the store. I help out working and she has been closing the store. She is able to take days off to help. I am on my long week so I have very little lead way. But the second I am needed I'm gone so I was keeping in touch with Sarah alot.

The only sucky thing is that we have to go through this again next Thursday so that they can put the other 2 stints in, then back to recovery time again.

The girls at the store have been helpful with working and my dad can't drive so we keep him company.

I was there yesterday over night and last night I was there until 1:00 just watching TV and talking.

The thing that worries me is his main artery in his leg, he favors it because there is a mechnism that is in his leg keeping it clogged.
But he is same old dad getting worked up about little things which is funny. He quoted "but its so hard to be nice" after we said don't get your blood pressure up.

Well that is my update I am just really glad that he went to the doctor when he did because he could of damaged his heart or worse had a Heart Attack.

Here is a diagram for you to understand better.

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