Well I have only been at work for about an hour and my boss had already got under my skin. I mean I am fine the question is is he fine. He is all stressed out about who knows what and I ask him a simple question about a call that I recieved and he has a small shit fit. Partially directed to me. I wasn't having that. So I asked him why are you doing this right know I just fucking walked in. Yes I do cus. We have been working together for years and I don't care who you are keep your negative energy to your self please. Everything is such a problem, but I don't take kindly to him raising his voice for no reason. It makes me very uncomfortable. Shit the printer guy yesterday was cussing at the printer and that made me uncomfortable.
I'm fine its all good. The computer room smells like cleaning fluid. Housekeeping mopped the floor and it is making me sneeze. I swear they use products that are not approved in this country. I'm telling you they knock you on your ass. The bathroom is bad too, it smells rank and thats the cleaning fluid, weird.
Well it is early I am still in yawn mode. I had Peanut butter cookies for breakfast. I need to go shopping I am going to start watching what I eat and eat healthier. I need fruit for breakfast. Oh and I was growing my own little village of mold in my coffee cup. I rarely drink coffee and when I do I don't finish it and it sits on my desk for days to weeks. It has a cover so I can't tell. Gross this thing was growing for awhile it was 1/2 inch thick and fuzzy.
I need something to wake me up already.I might have to drink some pop and I am swaring off of it. I was talking to my sister and she found it funny that I said " when I went off the pop last time I couldn't tell the difference between diet and regular" She was cracking up she asked if I needed an intervention. She said thats my addictive behavior. Well at least I don't drink. If alcohol tasted like pop that would be bad.
Funny thing about pop addiction though - some woman came into Sarah's doctor office and said that she was addited to pop and wanted to kick the habit. They sent her to a shrink. Wow they think shes wacko. I think it is possible to be addicted to anything.
Back to work...
I'm addicted to peoples asses...and silver jewerly...and Fiji water...talking to you...checking my email...this is a good topic to blog about, I just might go with it, thanks!
Hey Jen! There are two people at my Biggest Loser meetings that drink over a case a day of regular pop (Pepsi and Mountain Dew)!!!! Now THAT'S an addiction, lol!!
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