1. I hate my teeth and I have a thing with looking at everyone else. It is one of the first things that stand out to me. 2. I wished for boobs all of the time when I was younger. Now I have them and I don’t like them. 3. I am the oldest of three and I was a bully to them growing up. Sarah has the scars to prove it. 4.I am a lover not a fighter. I can not be around argueing it make me sick to my stomach. This is due to growing up around it constantly. I especially dislike couples who constantly fight in public so annoying. 5. I was the Mom of the family when my mother was an alcoholic. I blamed myself for a very long time for her accident that almost killed her. I wasn’t there to stop her. 6. I have sweat issues and it sucks. It doesn’t matter the temperture sometimes. It runs in the Allen side of the family. 7. I love to goof off like a kid. I put my arm around Dennis’s neck and made him walk around the house quickly with me the way monkey siblings do. Just to be stupid. 8. I am afraid of the dark. You may know this but I really get freaked out. I have to shut lights off in order through the house so I don’t have to be in the dark. 9. I will not give blood unless someone close to me needs it. Even if I get viles or pricked finger. I can feel where they did it for days. 10. I am not materialistic. Material things do not matter to me. I do not need to show off my belongings. I need to be comfortable. All I need is love and happiness. No I don’t want to live in a box but somethings in life are more important. 11. I had very little hair as a baby through two years old. I was a little bald baby. You wouldn’t think with all the crazy hair I have now. 12. I used to think that my crush from grade school was watching me and knew everything that I did at home. Obviously he wasn’t or couldn’t stalk me, but it was entertaining and a little weird now that I think about it. 13. I can be watching TV or really involved in something and I block out people without knowing it. You can be calling my name and I can’t hear you. Usually you have to tap me or yell really loud. At that point everyone is laughing at me. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
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