Thursday, March 22, 2007

People Telling me what to gets better toward the end, seriously

This is something I do not take lightly. Some people love being told what to do, they love that someone else has that power over them. Well not me, not in the least. I wasn't put on this earth to bow down to anyone. Unfortunatley thats the way it is. This dates back to being a kid. I was always the nieve pushover.( I feel bad for these people). But as I got older I found that I am a independent person I make all of my own decisions and no one is allowed to tell me what to do.
Whatever I am on a rant. Heres where it started... Receieved an email from my new co-worker to remember to put away my tapes. To some people this is a simple reminder. No not me because that was not the way it was intended. Say it to my face if this bothers you so much that one time you had to put my tapes away. Also MR. new fuck listen up you might not know this but no one tells me how and when to do my job but a higher power per manager, director. Now this was a bad decision on his part because you want me as your ally not an enemy or even a neutral, both of those equal you don't exist to me. Either way Mr new fuck will unforntunatley find out why he will never do anything of that sort to me again. Everyone learns at some point. I am probably a little more angry because I need food. But I have dago spegetti and meatballs yeah that makes me happy. I am really fine. I will just have to open mr. new fucks eyes today, oh well.
I just got back from my extended vacation days and all is well. Only three days then I just signed up to work Tuesday and Saturday night of next week. The money will be nice being that I have extra people to pay from this weekend and getting tickets and all in Chicago which really sucks. That is a mistake that you only make once. Hehehe! I hope today goes well for the most part. Greys Anatomy comes on tonight yeah. I missed last weeks so I will catch up here. I guess that is all for now. I just read over my blog and it made me laugh. I was a little peaved. But I feel better now, thats what this blog is for venting , well not just venting other fun things too.
Okay time to go do some work
