Thursday, March 15, 2007

How I feel today

Poopy! I am tired and in pain. Period pain yuck. I am taking pills but they are generic and I don't think they are working so well. I have not bitten anyones head off today surprisingly, but my boss isn't here and he is the first one I freak out on. Seriously, everyone should have a calendar marking when we shouldn't be approached. Marked in RED so they don't forget. It would save alot of problems. It also on another note bothers me when other girls think they don't PMS unless your a man deguised as a woman it happens and other girls can pick up on it. We don't get bitchy for the fucking fun of it. I hate being bitchy and I hate when people are bitchy with me because then we will have Bitchfest 2007. I really wonder what makes us want to strangle people if they look at us wrong. I am afraid I may be placed in a padded room during my pregnancy, when I decide to have a baby. Hopefully it is the other way around and I am an angel from heaven. HA!
I am sitting in a damn oven right now, my god, this fucking room is hot because they are working on the air system. I am wearing a, please kill me now turtleneck, sold in a store near by. My fan
feels like someone is blowing on my face. Oh and surprise I have to pee. But I would rather sit here and bounce instead of getting off my ass. What else I am working a million hours today but I have the next 6 days off. I just hope that I get good trades at the seminar and I hope that I don' t have an ugly shoe box trade. I wish I knew we were doing a WOW card earlier than a week or less. But there is good reason. Oh well. I'm not going to stress about it. I tend not to care about as much shit as I used to it is called DENIAL. Actually kinda fun.

Heres how it works: Imagine musically sung

Have a bill... don't have the money... dont pay... yeah

People don't like each other... keeping the peace.... but it effects your business... just dont' have it(camp)

Ugly shoe box... possibly... not enough time to research... screw it you are already the worst demo in the group, hey it happens.

Engaged... should be planning a wedding... are you fucking crazy... maybe some other time
Not ready for that shit and all that comes with it... F a m i l y

Would like to lose weight... but it takes time... never mind... food taste better and make you HAPPY

And last but not least... Igoring my family... because I don't exactly know... Hey I guess it keeps me sane... who knows

And now my song is over hope you sing with me soon.

That was funny and because of Denial, I don't care and none of it bothers me. Maybe it will next week but not today. Its called keeping yourself happy. If you don't have that I think thats when people throw themselves off of high buidings. Glad I am happy.

I guess thats it for today I can't wait to be off of work not that today is that crazy, but it might drag, I have Champaign to look forward to.

Ps. I almost lost this whole post somehow. Wow could of sucked big time.

1 comment:

Jacki McHale said...

Yeah Denial! It does keep you happy! Just like today I deleted my e-bills, hee hee they went away just like that!