I watched Grey's last night with Sarah like I always do.
Now we have dad watching it with us. Im not sure why he doesn't leave to go to his club. But he watches it and comments and talks during it. Me and sarah have this thing where we don't talk until commercial. If we talk we always miss something. So thats a little unnerving.
So other than all that jibber jabber onto the show.
I don't like Mc Leprechaun. The new Iraq war trauma dr. I named him aren't you proud.

Last nights show was fun and I love seeing Izzy and Alex together again. George is always funny and I was belly laughing when the robot patient was talking to him and Kerev. Especially when i found out it was the Chief talking. Funniest part. "Im bleeding out, Im bleeding out" If you saw it you know how funny it was.
But the biggest thing that pissed me off during the show was Dr. Hahn (hate her character) bringing up the horrible loss and trama Izzy had to go through. This bitch talking about reporting her and bringing all of this back up into the open. Trying to get her fired and screwing the hospital. Thanks Callie, she kinda fueled it. But later in the show props to Callie standing up for the hospital and Izzy. The comment that Hahn made about "you can't be kinda a lesbian" Umm thats a bisexual, their out there. I thought that was a stupid stupid comment. And I am happy to report shes been let go from the show anyways. Yes.!
So thats my jumble mess of thoughts on the show. Heres my number 1's list
Funniest moment: George trying to keep robot patient alive with Chief as the secret voice.
Saddest moment: The older man trying to keep his older wife alive my doing CPR.
Surprising moment: The info that Yang let out to Mc Leprechaun about her father.
Grossest moment: Izzy eating with all of the corpses around.
Cutest moment: The "bouquet of corpse's", Kerev trying to cheer up Izzy.
Angriest moment: anything that had to do with Dr Hahn
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