Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jury Duty over

I was obviously very pissed in my earlier post. I think i have used up all of my fucks for the month, haha.

I am okay. I served my time and ended up on a jury.

Today it ended and I was fortunate enough to be an alternate. I was able to leave with another woman and the rest had to stay and fight it out.

It was not a cut and dry case and I am glad I am here at work. i decided to come in and try to get my real pay.

I do have to say I got into this case and was ready to state my opinion. My opinion was Guilty. i recieved a call from the court and jury stated Not Guilty. So it is definatley a good thing I got to go home.

I am very happy that it is over and I understand someone family or friend may be in this situation needing a jury. You want people in your corner, either way.

So I had some horrible feelings all 3 days about everything. Thank you that is was short and thank you for being over.


Jacki McHale said...

Yeah! Your free!! Good job doing your civil duty. Now you can move on! Hooray!

(I guess my main excitement is that it won't fuck up Monday!)

Jenalyn said...

Exactly, me too!!!!!!!!