Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy things...

I need to look on the bright side more so here is the last couple of days

Margaritas w/ Sarah - Yummy we went to La MEX and had a CHIMI too

Jamesons w/Sarah - two days in a row drinking. We had UV cherry and 7up. Its an adult Kiddie cocktail. It was kareoke with the band. and had a blast doing our version of Joan and Melissa Rivers. Fun.

New Tire/New Light I am glad I don't have to worry about these

Packing/throwing away w/Sarah - we went through my bedroom like a mack truck. She helped me throw things away that I didn't need to keep. She enjoys that.

Being able to sleep through the night last night. It was so nice. And I was all by myself even.

Just some things, I am trying not to worrying too much. Bills are in order for now, the moving is the most stressful thing right now. We got pushed into high gear, so I am just going with it.

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