Saturday, February 16, 2008

I did it...

I got up early. It was hard, but my body woke up a little bit to get ready. But man I hit the car and I swear I was getting off work. Its colder then cold outside so I have the heat on right. The heat was putting me back to sleep. It was an interesting ride.

I got here and ate my oatmeal and had some nasty coffee. I don't like the taste of coffee. I would of loved a Starbucks though.

So I have been reading and commenting on blogs and checking out Stampin Up stuff. I do have a movie to watch. 13 going on 30. Jayme, I think you said you just watched this one? Murcie, coworker, left it for me to watch. Yay! I heard its hilarious. I am caught up on all of my shows so I have Sixteen Candles and my other sight to watch if I need to. I will be here for awhile today. I totally screwed myself the day I woke up sick. Unforntunatly I couldn't take the day off or PTO so now I am working mad crazy. Its always something.

I do have to say what makes it hard to be a morning person is that I feel horrible if I wake up too early and try to get ready. I have been this way since I've been a kid. If I can sleep to 9 or 10 I usually have no problems. So thats that.

OOh. I did being my projects to work on here at work. The sucky thing is I don't have white paper. I really would of liked to finish them today. Who know maybe I will get some.

My order is coming in on the day of my camp, seriously, give me an f'ing break. So I will have to try to figure out the projects with out the kit. Fun. Stampin Up screwed me. There OEX system crapped out and my order sat for two days. Oh well. But I am grateful that it is coming on wed. My UPS guy comes earlier, thank you for that.

I really want time off. I am planning on doing nothing on Sunday, the weather is supposed to be shitty so I am locking myself in side the house. no errands, I will sleep as long as I can and just veg all day. I might need some food though. So I might have to run one errand. I don't wanna. i am like a little kid right know. You can't make me. Ha!

I am cold. I need to bring the temperature up in here. :"There an ice box where my office used to be, Im so cold, Im so cold, Im so cold". If you know the Omarion song that would be funny.

So enjoy your days everyone.


1 comment:

Jacki McHale said...

OK now I so get the "Icebox" thing you were talking about on Monday. I must have missed this blog post.

So bizzare no snow on Sunday, but I didn't know it was supposed to snow last night?!