Saturday, July 7, 2007

Eeew gross

Well last night was interesting. I got off work and drove home just to get back in the car and drive to Wilmington to pick up Dennis's car. I was so tired that I made Dennis drive. So I just looked at ads and my catty. We had to run a couple small errand when we got back so it was getting late. Either way a couple of hours later my stomach started to hurt. I thought nothing but it wasn't going away. So I tried to lay down, scrunch up, and drink pop to burp. Well I had one burp too many and threw up. Yea out of freaking nowhere. I haven't thrown up in a very long time. So I went straight to bed. I feel fine today it was so weird.

So I am at work contemplating what I should do next. I need to come up with a schedule until Sept for my camps. This is actually a task from my upline and of course best friend Jacki. I really need to get that figured out before the 11th. I do need to make calls also. Boo. I would rather sit and stare at the wall.

I am going to be busy this week:
Sunday: I am going to the Taste of Chicago, this is something that me and Dennis try to do every year if we can. I have been more than him, but he really likes to go. We were supposed to go on Monday, but he had to work. I would prefer to go on a weekday but it is the last day of the Taste tomorrow.

Monday: I have driving school, nice huh. Yeah not to happy about that one. Then I work at Frosty Tips from 7- 9:30. Bye bye whole day.

Tuesday: Open Frosty Tips 12-5 then take two hours off and work from 7-9:30. We are short handed and the girl we just hired quit. Are you kinding me she worked 4 hours, what a wimp.
So me and Sarah pick up the slack. I do have to day she picks up more because she is avilable more. Oh I also get my big stampin up order that day. I need to come up with a class somehow.
So again bye bye day.

Wednesday: Is my stamp camp, I will probably still working on ideas and coming up with my class so the day will go to stamping.

Thurs-Sat: Back to work. Bleeeh!

So theres an overview of my supossed days off. Ha!

I have another funny quote from Dennis this time:
Me and him were getting ready to go pick up food. I was sitting at the table and Dennis was cleaning the table off. In the background South Park was on. All of a sudden I hear "Stupid Wop Dago" from the TV. As soon as Dennis hears this he stops what he is doing and just says "Whoa!"
By the way everyone Dennis is Italian. I started laughing uncontrollable and hes like "you really find that funny" I say "yea" I was just laughing at his reaction we are just chillin and we heard it in the background. He said on the ride that he almost got offended and of course I started laughing again. You probably had to be there but he doesn't get offended by those words.


Jacki McHale said...

Enjoy the taste! I did!

Theresa said...

What a busy week you have! I like the idea of setting up a schedule for classes...that should be a ton of fun!