Well I have only been at work for about an hour and my boss had already got under my skin. I mean I am fine the question is is he fine. He is all stressed out about who knows what and I ask him a simple question about a call that I recieved and he has a small shit fit. Partially directed to me. I wasn't having that. So I asked him why are you doing this right know I just fucking walked in. Yes I do cus. We have been working together for years and I don't care who you are keep your negative energy to your self please. Everything is such a problem, but I don't take kindly to him raising his voice for no reason. It makes me very uncomfortable. Shit the printer guy yesterday was cussing at the printer and that made me uncomfortable.
I'm fine its all good. The computer room smells like cleaning fluid. Housekeeping mopped the floor and it is making me sneeze. I swear they use products that are not approved in this country. I'm telling you they knock you on your ass. The bathroom is bad too, it smells rank and thats the cleaning fluid, weird.
Well it is early I am still in yawn mode. I had Peanut butter cookies for breakfast. I need to go shopping I am going to start watching what I eat and eat healthier. I need fruit for breakfast. Oh and I was growing my own little village of mold in my coffee cup. I rarely drink coffee and when I do I don't finish it and it sits on my desk for days to weeks. It has a cover so I can't tell. Gross this thing was growing for awhile it was 1/2 inch thick and fuzzy.
I need something to wake me up already.I might have to drink some pop and I am swaring off of it. I was talking to my sister and she found it funny that I said " when I went off the pop last time I couldn't tell the difference between diet and regular" She was cracking up she asked if I needed an intervention. She said thats my addictive behavior. Well at least I don't drink. If alcohol tasted like pop that would be bad.
Funny thing about pop addiction though - some woman came into Sarah's doctor office and said that she was addited to pop and wanted to kick the habit. They sent her to a shrink. Wow they think shes wacko. I think it is possible to be addicted to anything.
Back to work...
This is me take it or leave it. This is my journey back to my past self. Enjoy the ride, its a bumpy one.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
1. I hate my teeth and I have a thing with looking at everyone else. It is one of the first things that stand out to me. 2. I wished for boobs all of the time when I was younger. Now I have them and I don’t like them. 3. I am the oldest of three and I was a bully to them growing up. Sarah has the scars to prove it. 4.I am a lover not a fighter. I can not be around argueing it make me sick to my stomach. This is due to growing up around it constantly. I especially dislike couples who constantly fight in public so annoying. 5. I was the Mom of the family when my mother was an alcoholic. I blamed myself for a very long time for her accident that almost killed her. I wasn’t there to stop her. 6. I have sweat issues and it sucks. It doesn’t matter the temperture sometimes. It runs in the Allen side of the family. 7. I love to goof off like a kid. I put my arm around Dennis’s neck and made him walk around the house quickly with me the way monkey siblings do. Just to be stupid. 8. I am afraid of the dark. You may know this but I really get freaked out. I have to shut lights off in order through the house so I don’t have to be in the dark. 9. I will not give blood unless someone close to me needs it. Even if I get viles or pricked finger. I can feel where they did it for days. 10. I am not materialistic. Material things do not matter to me. I do not need to show off my belongings. I need to be comfortable. All I need is love and happiness. No I don’t want to live in a box but somethings in life are more important. 11. I had very little hair as a baby through two years old. I was a little bald baby. You wouldn’t think with all the crazy hair I have now. 12. I used to think that my crush from grade school was watching me and knew everything that I did at home. Obviously he wasn’t or couldn’t stalk me, but it was entertaining and a little weird now that I think about it. 13. I can be watching TV or really involved in something and I block out people without knowing it. You can be calling my name and I can’t hear you. Usually you have to tap me or yell really loud. At that point everyone is laughing at me. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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More fun Pics
We had a great day together.
This is also alot of work I couldn't breath after a while.
Here is us looking like we are trampling Lindsay.
We are playing a game called "popcorn"
Someone sits in the middle holding their legs to their chest and everyone else jumps until they break their hands free.
Weird it was Lindsays idea.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Funerals-Christian Rock-Stamp Camp Interesting Time Off
Starting Friday I had a funeral for my Dad's very good friend Lenny. He touched my familes life and never will be forgotten. This was a very sad day it hurts to see my father cry. His family was very weird to us. His daughters didn't even knew that we existed nor cared as far as I can see.
I ended up going to work after everything was over.
Saturday I took off work to go to another funeral for Dennis's uncle. We drove to Watseka early ass in the morning. I was happy to be able to finally meet his family. Too bad that was cut drastically short. After the funeral the presession was getting started to the cemetary. So without saying bye or even meeting half of the family Dennis's Dad decided we go home end of story. Dennis's mom, Dennis and me wanted to stay. I really felt bad for Dennis, he didn't get to day goodbye to his grandma. I obviously do not understand the thinking process, I know that was his favorite uncle and didn't want to see him put into the ground. If I had any inkling that was going to happen we would of drove seperate. But now that is in the past.
The rest of Saturday pretty much sucked. We stayed in Wilmington
Sunday me and Dennis went home to get the stank off of us. It is a smoking house and it is so nasty I can not believe I used to live like that when my mom used to smoke. Bleeeaakk.
My mom called and want to know if I wanted to go to a Christian rock concert, Family Force 5. i have seen them before and they have good music it is just the same as regular music and the realtions to God are very subtle, you wouldn't know it if you heard it.
Which some cross over bands are Lifehouse and Switchfoot. I never knew they were christian.
Lindsay was a crab ass for 90% of the concert but we all had fun and met the band and got pics. I will post them when I get them.
Monday I worked for my dad at the ice cream store for a couple hours. Later on I went to my stampin up monthly meeting and didn't get home until after midnight. Whew! We made these cute books and I was happy to see everyone. I am glad that I am still a demo to be able to see everyone.
Tuesday was my first camp since December. I started the day with a little procrastination, because that is what I do. I went to lunch with my sister then came home and started working on my camp. The table was a mess with everything possible on it and I was actually thinking of just picking up the corners of the table cloth and clearing it off that way like a hobo. But I came to my senses. I was so proud of my self I was able to get everything together with more than enough time and take a shower.
My camp was fun and laid back. I had Kim Tina My mom and Linds there they loved the tin we did. It was a good camp to get started with. I ended my night by going out to Jackis and dropping off supplies that I borrowed. I checked out her finished basement and sat on the deck.
It was a busy week but it ended better than it started.
I ended up going to work after everything was over.
Saturday I took off work to go to another funeral for Dennis's uncle. We drove to Watseka early ass in the morning. I was happy to be able to finally meet his family. Too bad that was cut drastically short. After the funeral the presession was getting started to the cemetary. So without saying bye or even meeting half of the family Dennis's Dad decided we go home end of story. Dennis's mom, Dennis and me wanted to stay. I really felt bad for Dennis, he didn't get to day goodbye to his grandma. I obviously do not understand the thinking process, I know that was his favorite uncle and didn't want to see him put into the ground. If I had any inkling that was going to happen we would of drove seperate. But now that is in the past.
The rest of Saturday pretty much sucked. We stayed in Wilmington
Sunday me and Dennis went home to get the stank off of us. It is a smoking house and it is so nasty I can not believe I used to live like that when my mom used to smoke. Bleeeaakk.
My mom called and want to know if I wanted to go to a Christian rock concert, Family Force 5. i have seen them before and they have good music it is just the same as regular music and the realtions to God are very subtle, you wouldn't know it if you heard it.
Which some cross over bands are Lifehouse and Switchfoot. I never knew they were christian.
Lindsay was a crab ass for 90% of the concert but we all had fun and met the band and got pics. I will post them when I get them.
Monday I worked for my dad at the ice cream store for a couple hours. Later on I went to my stampin up monthly meeting and didn't get home until after midnight. Whew! We made these cute books and I was happy to see everyone. I am glad that I am still a demo to be able to see everyone.
Tuesday was my first camp since December. I started the day with a little procrastination, because that is what I do. I went to lunch with my sister then came home and started working on my camp. The table was a mess with everything possible on it and I was actually thinking of just picking up the corners of the table cloth and clearing it off that way like a hobo. But I came to my senses. I was so proud of my self I was able to get everything together with more than enough time and take a shower.
My camp was fun and laid back. I had Kim Tina My mom and Linds there they loved the tin we did. It was a good camp to get started with. I ended my night by going out to Jackis and dropping off supplies that I borrowed. I checked out her finished basement and sat on the deck.
It was a busy week but it ended better than it started.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
This is going to be a sad day...
Today is the wake of a great family friend and who we would call Uncle Lenny.
He died last week while on Hospice, he had stage 5 cancer in his Liver and had cancer that was taken out of his colon.
I am not good in funeral homes I cry the second I walk in the door, thats before I hit the room. It is so morbid to me. I just lost my Aunt Marla and JAckis Grandma not to long ago.
I believe he lived his life to the fullest and left many memories behind. I am trying to convince myself that he is in a better place and not get so upset, but I know that it will happen.
Tomorrow is the funeral and then I am coming to work later on in the day.
Rest in Peace Uncle Lenny.
He died last week while on Hospice, he had stage 5 cancer in his Liver and had cancer that was taken out of his colon.
I am not good in funeral homes I cry the second I walk in the door, thats before I hit the room. It is so morbid to me. I just lost my Aunt Marla and JAckis Grandma not to long ago.
I believe he lived his life to the fullest and left many memories behind. I am trying to convince myself that he is in a better place and not get so upset, but I know that it will happen.
Tomorrow is the funeral and then I am coming to work later on in the day.
Rest in Peace Uncle Lenny.
Ola everyone
I'm back to work and actually blogging. Here is an update of my weekend.
Sunday Mothers Day: Great day spent it with my family. We went to the Museum of Science and Industry. We got lost trying to find it, we went the wrong way on Lake Shore Drive. We had a blast playing around with some of the fun things they had like mirrors and heat sensor screen. So Weird. I also enjoyed the body slices very interesting. We also went to the Omnimax, I have never been and when I was walking up the stairs I almost fell twice just because it messes with your balance. WOW I was a little freaked out by this thing. I felt like I was on a roller coaster at some points. But I did enjoy it. We left and went to Navy Pier the first thing we did was get cartoons done of us. We really wanted to do this and it is a little expensive but me, sarah. lindsay and mom did it Darryl refused and disappeared for the whole time. He did me first and it felt so awkward that they are looking at your features and you don't know what you should do. Oh the other thing was the people that were looking and laughing. After seeing it i know why but it felt like they were laughing at me. The picture is HILARIOUS I will take a picture of it and put it on here. We then ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp, soooo good We has onion rings and some shrimp appetiser yummmm. Me and my mom shared coconut shrimp. It was nice spending time with my mom she is a kid at heart like me and we like to goof off alot. Sarah does too sometimes but I think she gets embarrassed of us.
So I then went to work my butt off at Frosty Tips. then I'm sure I went to sleep some time.
Monday: Went to Chicago(I so side jobs with someone I work with) to work on Derek Lee's (Cubs First baseman) printer. I have been there once before and met his wife and daughter(looks just like him). But this time I met him. Very weird, especially when you see bobble heads and huge billboard and TV ads about him. He is a down to earth nice guy from what I saw. So I can say I met him and he was just loungin around. I do not think I am going to do any more side jobs it is good money but not if you can not get it to work you don't get paid and there is not good enough communication from the dude I work with for me to take that kind of gamble. That is why I was at Dereks house twice. Mind you all of these jobs are in Chicago also. So I come back to town and have a ton of clothes I want to get rid of and take them to Platos Closet, mind you 90 thousand degrees and I don't want to waste gas on air cond. 2 boxes of 90% brand name clothes and they took maybe 4 things and paid me $10.00. Wasn't expecting that and it wasted all of my time with Dennis beacuse I had enough time to shove my face with a sandwich and work for my Dad for a 4 hours.
Tuesday: I so slept in...yea! Til about 11:00 I think. I didn't want to do Jack but had to move around and get ready to go to Wilmington to drop off Dennis then go to JAckis to do trades.
I gave Dennis a hair cut first and just vegged while he was getting ready. It is not worth trying to share our bathroom. Got to JAckis about 4ish and left about 12ish. We both worked really hard on our 3ds while listening to music and talking it went by so fast. It might of been where we were working also for me. I have never worked in her pool room and I had tons of room to work with.
Best part of the day was seeing Mia she is growing so fast and I love her so much. Before I left she was dancing funniest thing. Me JAcki and Mia dancing to Candy Man by Christina Aguilara. That one goes into my memory bank forever. I left and went down to Dennis's moms to stay there.
Wednesday: Woke up earlier than everyone else and took my baby Frankie outside she love to play outside with her toys she plays fetch. Well there just happened to be a dog in the nieghbors backyard and they don't have a dog. So there goes Frankie barking at the dog. I had to yell and smack her on the butt to get her to the backdoor, I am surprised she listened. Well the dog barks a couple of time real high pitch and make fun of her gay bark to Frankie (because Frankie will scare you with hers) and turn around the fucking dog is behind me it jumped the fence. HOLY Shit!! I grab frankie by her collar and push her into the breeze way thank god. I don't know what could of possibly happened if I didn't . So now there is a dog in the backyard and it is jumping on the back screen door. It doesn't look mean but I am not testing that. So still just me awake I decide to open the gate on the side of the house well the dog sees me and I start running thinking this dog is going to jump the fence, Well Dennis looks at me in a daze wondering what is going on I point to the dog and he is amazed. Either way the dog was friendly and Dennis let it out of the yard. It still scares me I don't want the dog to come back if he is willing to jump the fence.
Well Frankie got a bath and Dennis mowed the lawn. We left Wilmington in need of showers, picked up some things to make omlettes (Dennis loves mine) and went home. Then me and him did our own things. He was looking for a tape of old music and I kinda vegged. I then decided to clean my back room(stamp room/everything room) I had boxes pulled out of the closet so I went to put them back and started looking through the boxes. I found some old shit. So Dennis went through his I went through mine and his. It was so crazy me and him have been together forever. So I cleaned the rest of my room so I can work and walk through it Yea!!!!
I watched "I love New York 2 casting show" I am addicted to it because it is stupid.
We listened to a rap that me and Dennis did over 6 years ago and lots of songs his band did. I miss the band and so does he. Me and Dennis have 2 songs together and it is so unique because how many people have that. Well thats the end of my time off hope you enjoyed.
Sunday Mothers Day: Great day spent it with my family. We went to the Museum of Science and Industry. We got lost trying to find it, we went the wrong way on Lake Shore Drive. We had a blast playing around with some of the fun things they had like mirrors and heat sensor screen. So Weird. I also enjoyed the body slices very interesting. We also went to the Omnimax, I have never been and when I was walking up the stairs I almost fell twice just because it messes with your balance. WOW I was a little freaked out by this thing. I felt like I was on a roller coaster at some points. But I did enjoy it. We left and went to Navy Pier the first thing we did was get cartoons done of us. We really wanted to do this and it is a little expensive but me, sarah. lindsay and mom did it Darryl refused and disappeared for the whole time. He did me first and it felt so awkward that they are looking at your features and you don't know what you should do. Oh the other thing was the people that were looking and laughing. After seeing it i know why but it felt like they were laughing at me. The picture is HILARIOUS I will take a picture of it and put it on here. We then ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp, soooo good We has onion rings and some shrimp appetiser yummmm. Me and my mom shared coconut shrimp. It was nice spending time with my mom she is a kid at heart like me and we like to goof off alot. Sarah does too sometimes but I think she gets embarrassed of us.
So I then went to work my butt off at Frosty Tips. then I'm sure I went to sleep some time.
Monday: Went to Chicago(I so side jobs with someone I work with) to work on Derek Lee's (Cubs First baseman) printer. I have been there once before and met his wife and daughter(looks just like him). But this time I met him. Very weird, especially when you see bobble heads and huge billboard and TV ads about him. He is a down to earth nice guy from what I saw. So I can say I met him and he was just loungin around. I do not think I am going to do any more side jobs it is good money but not if you can not get it to work you don't get paid and there is not good enough communication from the dude I work with for me to take that kind of gamble. That is why I was at Dereks house twice. Mind you all of these jobs are in Chicago also. So I come back to town and have a ton of clothes I want to get rid of and take them to Platos Closet, mind you 90 thousand degrees and I don't want to waste gas on air cond. 2 boxes of 90% brand name clothes and they took maybe 4 things and paid me $10.00. Wasn't expecting that and it wasted all of my time with Dennis beacuse I had enough time to shove my face with a sandwich and work for my Dad for a 4 hours.
Tuesday: I so slept in...yea! Til about 11:00 I think. I didn't want to do Jack but had to move around and get ready to go to Wilmington to drop off Dennis then go to JAckis to do trades.
I gave Dennis a hair cut first and just vegged while he was getting ready. It is not worth trying to share our bathroom. Got to JAckis about 4ish and left about 12ish. We both worked really hard on our 3ds while listening to music and talking it went by so fast. It might of been where we were working also for me. I have never worked in her pool room and I had tons of room to work with.
Best part of the day was seeing Mia she is growing so fast and I love her so much. Before I left she was dancing funniest thing. Me JAcki and Mia dancing to Candy Man by Christina Aguilara. That one goes into my memory bank forever. I left and went down to Dennis's moms to stay there.
Wednesday: Woke up earlier than everyone else and took my baby Frankie outside she love to play outside with her toys she plays fetch. Well there just happened to be a dog in the nieghbors backyard and they don't have a dog. So there goes Frankie barking at the dog. I had to yell and smack her on the butt to get her to the backdoor, I am surprised she listened. Well the dog barks a couple of time real high pitch and make fun of her gay bark to Frankie (because Frankie will scare you with hers) and turn around the fucking dog is behind me it jumped the fence. HOLY Shit!! I grab frankie by her collar and push her into the breeze way thank god. I don't know what could of possibly happened if I didn't . So now there is a dog in the backyard and it is jumping on the back screen door. It doesn't look mean but I am not testing that. So still just me awake I decide to open the gate on the side of the house well the dog sees me and I start running thinking this dog is going to jump the fence, Well Dennis looks at me in a daze wondering what is going on I point to the dog and he is amazed. Either way the dog was friendly and Dennis let it out of the yard. It still scares me I don't want the dog to come back if he is willing to jump the fence.
Well Frankie got a bath and Dennis mowed the lawn. We left Wilmington in need of showers, picked up some things to make omlettes (Dennis loves mine) and went home. Then me and him did our own things. He was looking for a tape of old music and I kinda vegged. I then decided to clean my back room(stamp room/everything room) I had boxes pulled out of the closet so I went to put them back and started looking through the boxes. I found some old shit. So Dennis went through his I went through mine and his. It was so crazy me and him have been together forever. So I cleaned the rest of my room so I can work and walk through it Yea!!!!
I watched "I love New York 2 casting show" I am addicted to it because it is stupid.
We listened to a rap that me and Dennis did over 6 years ago and lots of songs his band did. I miss the band and so does he. Me and Dennis have 2 songs together and it is so unique because how many people have that. Well thats the end of my time off hope you enjoyed.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Until next time
I leave. I have sat on my butt all day but have done some things. Alot of looking around on the internet and stuff. Tomorrow is Mothers Day and we are going to Chicago, which will be fun. I Hope. I have a busy week ahead of me but whats new.
I know this is kinda short but here are some pics.
This is me before the Drew Davis Band concert at Bally Doyle in Downers Grove. I was happy with my hair and make-up this day.
This is me, Jacki and Jordan (Drews girfriend).
She was so nice, but I had no idea it was the lead singers girl until after I talked about the way he danced with his crotch. Which was nice by the way. HEE HEE.
Here is Drew and Loren.
Drew is the lead singer and Loren is the guitarist/banjoist.
He is related by marriage to Jacki, how cool is that.
The band is so nice and down to earth.
I will send out better pictures next week.
Friday, May 4, 2007
I am in a whatever mood today. I worked really hard on work stuff to get it all done today.
On lunch I opened all of my mail ( i need an assistant I swear) that I have been shoving in my bags so I do not have to look at them. Shit I had so much garbage it was heavy. What is kinda funny is that my shipment from Stampin UP was delayed due to a train derailment. Wow kinda weird this is after learning that I am only left with about 5 useable stamp sets after the retirement list came out. Did I do the wrong thing by staying a demo? I hope not, of course it was easy for my dad to tell to quit. He doesn't understand the creative side of it. I Mom just said OH. My sister doesn't care because stamping stresses her out. I think it is stamping with a group of people that she doesn't like. Whatever.
I could give away a trip to Florida and people wouldn't get back to me on my sales. It is really weird. I just need to find some different people I guess.
Dennis told me today about some lucritive job down southern Il. Me and him haven't been hitting off lately. The less we see of each other the more we fight over stupid shit. Again Whatever.
Hey be gone as long as I see money every week.
I am at work by myself everybody is gone. 2 people called off and I want to leave a 8ish which I will still but it will be quiet. It is so nice.
On lunch I opened all of my mail ( i need an assistant I swear) that I have been shoving in my bags so I do not have to look at them. Shit I had so much garbage it was heavy. What is kinda funny is that my shipment from Stampin UP was delayed due to a train derailment. Wow kinda weird this is after learning that I am only left with about 5 useable stamp sets after the retirement list came out. Did I do the wrong thing by staying a demo? I hope not, of course it was easy for my dad to tell to quit. He doesn't understand the creative side of it. I Mom just said OH. My sister doesn't care because stamping stresses her out. I think it is stamping with a group of people that she doesn't like. Whatever.
I could give away a trip to Florida and people wouldn't get back to me on my sales. It is really weird. I just need to find some different people I guess.
Dennis told me today about some lucritive job down southern Il. Me and him haven't been hitting off lately. The less we see of each other the more we fight over stupid shit. Again Whatever.
Hey be gone as long as I see money every week.
I am at work by myself everybody is gone. 2 people called off and I want to leave a 8ish which I will still but it will be quiet. It is so nice.
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