I'll put more old photos up next week.
This is me take it or leave it. This is my journey back to my past self. Enjoy the ride, its a bumpy one.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas pictures.
Things that are annoying...body edition
Why is it when you stretch you have no control over your body and only regain control after the stretch has ended.
Why do you do the heebee geebees after you pee sometimes. What the hell.
Whats with Charlie Horses, why must we beat the crap out of ourselves to make it go away.
Yawning. Can our mouthes open any wider, wow.
Hiccups. Come on with the noises we make, like some one is choking us only for a second and it is even worse when they hurt.
Why do you do the heebee geebees after you pee sometimes. What the hell.
Whats with Charlie Horses, why must we beat the crap out of ourselves to make it go away.
Yawning. Can our mouthes open any wider, wow.
Hiccups. Come on with the noises we make, like some one is choking us only for a second and it is even worse when they hurt.
Quick Note
Went to gas station and new gift card was declined. A waste of my time being in the cold.
I go to McDonalds and the gift card is declined, what the f.
I come in no make-up, in my underface(Jacki knows what I am talking about)
and everyone wants to have a conversation with me. I don't mind, but it looks like I just rolled out of bed.
Then I get to see stalker boy. Yes so excited(sarcasism), R you fing kidding me.
I am good though I have my Mcdonalds coke, yum, for breakfast.
I have tons to do today that isn't work related.
I watched "The Perfect Holiday", good movie.
As you can tell I am working on everything I need to do, right, hA
I have a sock monkey to make
I have a frame to make
Both for my sister Lindsay for her birthday that we are celebrating on Sunday.
I don't know what to buy for her, she got everything for x-mas, that girl is spoiled rotten.
I have phone calls to make
I have a Stampin Up order to finish, maybe?? I have to think about it
I have to send my Stampin UP sale a bration brochures
Order checks, finally, this is the longest I have ever gone.
Go over bills, I will talk myself out of this one, such a joke.
I do need to balance the checkbook.
Thats whats on my list for now.
That was a longer note than expected.
I go to McDonalds and the gift card is declined, what the f.
I come in no make-up, in my underface(Jacki knows what I am talking about)
and everyone wants to have a conversation with me. I don't mind, but it looks like I just rolled out of bed.
Then I get to see stalker boy. Yes so excited(sarcasism), R you fing kidding me.
I am good though I have my Mcdonalds coke, yum, for breakfast.
I have tons to do today that isn't work related.
I watched "The Perfect Holiday", good movie.
As you can tell I am working on everything I need to do, right, hA
I have a sock monkey to make
I have a frame to make
Both for my sister Lindsay for her birthday that we are celebrating on Sunday.
I don't know what to buy for her, she got everything for x-mas, that girl is spoiled rotten.
I have phone calls to make
I have a Stampin Up order to finish, maybe?? I have to think about it
I have to send my Stampin UP sale a bration brochures
Order checks, finally, this is the longest I have ever gone.
Go over bills, I will talk myself out of this one, such a joke.
I do need to balance the checkbook.
Thats whats on my list for now.
That was a longer note than expected.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Oh what a morning...
So I went out to my car and it was dead this morning. The door didn't close all of the way and the dome light was on all night. Dennis wasn't home and the neighbor had already left too. So I called my dad who wasn't to happy to have to wake up and come over. Either way I'll keep it short. We jumped it and off to work I go. Had to stop to get air in one tire and some Mcy d's.
So I get to work at 10:30. Earlier than I thought and I notice my speaker had fallin down. Okay... I guess it could of fallen. Then of all things to walk into after being off for the holidays.....
There was a huge stain on my chair. It looked like someone "oops I crapped my pants" on my chair. I was livid. But of course I was treated like I'm the crazy bitch. My day consisted of more anger on my part and that this place so gets on my nerves. I was busy so I guess that was good.
I still sent an email to everyone explaining my disgust with the situation.
I ended the day watching Great Outdoors with my sister. Funny Movie.
So I get to work at 10:30. Earlier than I thought and I notice my speaker had fallin down. Okay... I guess it could of fallen. Then of all things to walk into after being off for the holidays.....
There was a huge stain on my chair. It looked like someone "oops I crapped my pants" on my chair. I was livid. But of course I was treated like I'm the crazy bitch. My day consisted of more anger on my part and that this place so gets on my nerves. I was busy so I guess that was good.
I still sent an email to everyone explaining my disgust with the situation.
I ended the day watching Great Outdoors with my sister. Funny Movie.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Misc stuff in my head x-mas edition
I am trying not to be worried about the fact that I wasn't able to get many gifts this year for anyone. I know that I am ok with it, but I don't want to be. I love to buy gifts during x-mas. And I used to spend my share of money. Last year was tight but I was able to spend at least $50.00 a person. I not even gonna say how much I had to use this year. :(
So it goes though my head throughout the day. Over that
My sister and mom got into to it at Steak n Shake last week, Sarah got pissed and left. My mom tried to pull the mom card she told her to "sit down and shut up" Not cool. What the hell was she thinking, before x-mas. So my mom thinks things are good but Sarah doesn't. So I am sure it is going to be weird.
I am not sure what Dennis is doing for X-mas. I know that sounds weird. But his neice is in so he will probably be there more which doesn't bother me too much. I don't like being rushed or sometimes he is ready to leave and I am not. So we take seperate cars. I have a Allen family get together that we go to every year, I asked him and he wasn't sure. X-mas eve is with my dad usually he doesn't go. and x-mas day with my mom. He would come over to open his gift and sometimes eat but not really. Money is tight with all of us this year so I don't know what he is even getting from my family??? Sarah and Dennis haven't seen each other since the last x-mas party. I am sick of that whole situation.
I need to make some more gifts and wrap the rest. I need to take back some things but I was just thinking about it and I might not because the money won't go back into the account automatically I don't think. Whatever. I do have a Pier One card to use for gifts too. I will do that Sunday all long with everything else.
I finally have the whole holiday off and it better go good. Right now I am not feeling so good about it.
Heres the delima : Xmas party on 23rd. I have nothing to talk about. What did I do this year, nothing really. What I am going to do nothing. I can't forsee the future right now. Only immediate family knows Dennis is going into the Service. I am a good listener. So that makes me sad. But I will get through it.
My dads should be fun. We just cook eat and watch TV. No gifts really.
My moms, who knows. Hopefully mom doesn't run her mouth too much. I know my sister is dreading it too. I was talking to my mom and she wanted to know what I was bringing. I said i'm broke. She wants me to do the green bean cassarole. I told her I have some things for it. I guess she'll get the rest. She also said she didn't want to sit around until 12:00pm for us to get there. Whats the fucking rush. We all live far away. What about what we want. So she wants us to stay the night. I don't mind. I don't think its gonna fly with Sarah.
Me and Dennis won't do x-mas until next week probably.
I want to enjoy my time off and that is what I am going to do. End of story.\
I am not in the mood for drama.
So it goes though my head throughout the day. Over that
My sister and mom got into to it at Steak n Shake last week, Sarah got pissed and left. My mom tried to pull the mom card she told her to "sit down and shut up" Not cool. What the hell was she thinking, before x-mas. So my mom thinks things are good but Sarah doesn't. So I am sure it is going to be weird.
I am not sure what Dennis is doing for X-mas. I know that sounds weird. But his neice is in so he will probably be there more which doesn't bother me too much. I don't like being rushed or sometimes he is ready to leave and I am not. So we take seperate cars. I have a Allen family get together that we go to every year, I asked him and he wasn't sure. X-mas eve is with my dad usually he doesn't go. and x-mas day with my mom. He would come over to open his gift and sometimes eat but not really. Money is tight with all of us this year so I don't know what he is even getting from my family??? Sarah and Dennis haven't seen each other since the last x-mas party. I am sick of that whole situation.
I need to make some more gifts and wrap the rest. I need to take back some things but I was just thinking about it and I might not because the money won't go back into the account automatically I don't think. Whatever. I do have a Pier One card to use for gifts too. I will do that Sunday all long with everything else.
I finally have the whole holiday off and it better go good. Right now I am not feeling so good about it.
Heres the delima : Xmas party on 23rd. I have nothing to talk about. What did I do this year, nothing really. What I am going to do nothing. I can't forsee the future right now. Only immediate family knows Dennis is going into the Service. I am a good listener. So that makes me sad. But I will get through it.
My dads should be fun. We just cook eat and watch TV. No gifts really.
My moms, who knows. Hopefully mom doesn't run her mouth too much. I know my sister is dreading it too. I was talking to my mom and she wanted to know what I was bringing. I said i'm broke. She wants me to do the green bean cassarole. I told her I have some things for it. I guess she'll get the rest. She also said she didn't want to sit around until 12:00pm for us to get there. Whats the fucking rush. We all live far away. What about what we want. So she wants us to stay the night. I don't mind. I don't think its gonna fly with Sarah.
Me and Dennis won't do x-mas until next week probably.
I want to enjoy my time off and that is what I am going to do. End of story.\
I am not in the mood for drama.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Im tired....
I am slowly losing steam....
I am working another one of those crazy double shifts. I came in at 8:15pm on the 18th. I woke up at 12:00pm to start the day off. I work until I fall out or 6:45. Ha hA I even tried, more like forced, myself to try to take a nap. That was a no go I just laid there. Sucky Ducky. Oh by the way I am delusional at this point. I did really good through the night. I had cards to make, x-mas gifts to make, paperwork, movies and CD's. But now I can't do any of those things. I need to concentrate on something. I tried calling my sister but she didn't answer. I tried Jacki, she didn't answer. So I am blogging.
How I knew my mind was tired: I put coffee in my oatmeal inside of water. Heres the deal there is 3 spouts one for coffee one for decaff and one for water. My retarded ass put coffee in it. So That went in the garbage.
I forgot the payroll ladies name. I knew it ended in erry. So I tried to name them in my head, Terry? Kerry , Berry we have no people here those names. Total brain fart. I really want a bed to take a nap in. Writing is not helping. I am going outside in the cold
I am working another one of those crazy double shifts. I came in at 8:15pm on the 18th. I woke up at 12:00pm to start the day off. I work until I fall out or 6:45. Ha hA I even tried, more like forced, myself to try to take a nap. That was a no go I just laid there. Sucky Ducky. Oh by the way I am delusional at this point. I did really good through the night. I had cards to make, x-mas gifts to make, paperwork, movies and CD's. But now I can't do any of those things. I need to concentrate on something. I tried calling my sister but she didn't answer. I tried Jacki, she didn't answer. So I am blogging.
How I knew my mind was tired: I put coffee in my oatmeal inside of water. Heres the deal there is 3 spouts one for coffee one for decaff and one for water. My retarded ass put coffee in it. So That went in the garbage.
I forgot the payroll ladies name. I knew it ended in erry. So I tried to name them in my head, Terry? Kerry , Berry we have no people here those names. Total brain fart. I really want a bed to take a nap in. Writing is not helping. I am going outside in the cold
Friday, December 14, 2007
Yeah back to work
Not so much. I am fine. I am just chillin out right now. No calls so I am just doing Internet stuff. I am trying to figure out what to make people for x-mas. I am running low on funds, of course I get paid after x-mas. My $210 ComEd bill didn't help either. I hate winter so much it has always been the hardest time of the year for me. I hate snow and wind and sleet and ice and that crap that spits on your window from other cars and you use all of your windshield fluid on it in one day. I hate everything about winter. Okay So of x-mas eve lots of snow is fun. I just don't want to driving in it. Oh and I like sweaters and comfy clothes.
So off my rant. I am just trying to stay sane during the holiday season. I am doing pretty good.
I am trying to get my christmas cards finished and out this year. I am going to mess with them tonight at work. I didn't send any out last year and feel bad. I even had some of them in envelopes. Last year was crazy too.
So Sunday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday were busyish with nothing much in return.
Sunday: I was with my dad and sister we got some free gift cards and me and Sarah went to dinner. I spent the rest of the night vegging out in bed under the covers watching all of my bad reality shows.
Monday: I bummed around drove all the way to Mokena for some tins that my Stampin Up Manager/friend had. i took Sarah with for company. We came back to Plainfield and got some free Starbucks( I have a gift card) and went to her house to work on cards. I worked on x-mas and Sarah worked on invitations to a surprise party. The Hills finale was on so we just worked on stuff in the living room while watching.
Tuesday: This should of been a lucrative day for me and Stampin Up but the stupid winter weather screwed it up. I had a little thing planned. Hoping to sell some retired sets and maybe a gift certificate or some orders. I am glad I had the opportunity and I worked really hard all day Tuesday to be prepared for anything. I've gotten over it though. There was nothing that could be done to change things but the damn weather.
Wednesday: I had errands to run, get my house together for camp and actually prepare the projects for camp. I started working on cleaning up kitchen and dining room. Ran some errands like going to the bank and going to Aldi. So I got home at 4:30. Class started at 6:00. So I had to get my projects done, which wasn't too much, but I can work all the way up until 10 to six. Kim showed up at 5:30 which is fine but I feel bad moving as fast as I want to. Either way everything went well and everything was cute. I cleaned up a little then worked on my x-mas cards for a couple of hours and got alot accomplished.
Thats my update. I 'll try to think of more things to blog about today.
So off my rant. I am just trying to stay sane during the holiday season. I am doing pretty good.
I am trying to get my christmas cards finished and out this year. I am going to mess with them tonight at work. I didn't send any out last year and feel bad. I even had some of them in envelopes. Last year was crazy too.
So Sunday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday were busyish with nothing much in return.
Sunday: I was with my dad and sister we got some free gift cards and me and Sarah went to dinner. I spent the rest of the night vegging out in bed under the covers watching all of my bad reality shows.
Monday: I bummed around drove all the way to Mokena for some tins that my Stampin Up Manager/friend had. i took Sarah with for company. We came back to Plainfield and got some free Starbucks( I have a gift card) and went to her house to work on cards. I worked on x-mas and Sarah worked on invitations to a surprise party. The Hills finale was on so we just worked on stuff in the living room while watching.
Tuesday: This should of been a lucrative day for me and Stampin Up but the stupid winter weather screwed it up. I had a little thing planned. Hoping to sell some retired sets and maybe a gift certificate or some orders. I am glad I had the opportunity and I worked really hard all day Tuesday to be prepared for anything. I've gotten over it though. There was nothing that could be done to change things but the damn weather.
Wednesday: I had errands to run, get my house together for camp and actually prepare the projects for camp. I started working on cleaning up kitchen and dining room. Ran some errands like going to the bank and going to Aldi. So I got home at 4:30. Class started at 6:00. So I had to get my projects done, which wasn't too much, but I can work all the way up until 10 to six. Kim showed up at 5:30 which is fine but I feel bad moving as fast as I want to. Either way everything went well and everything was cute. I cleaned up a little then worked on my x-mas cards for a couple of hours and got alot accomplished.
Thats my update. I 'll try to think of more things to blog about today.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Me so tired....so happy...so sad...
I am slowly losing all energy. I went to bed at 1:00am and woke up at 5:45am Ewwww! Tonight is Grey's night and it is Ameretto Stone and sours tonight. I am leaving early to go home first. I don't want to be in the snow and I am going to stay at her house so I can get up early and come to work. So far no snow flurries. What a crazy week already.
Tomorrow: Is the one year anniversary of when my aunt passed away. A very huge loss to our family. She died of conjestive heart failure but she had breast cancer and it had spread into other parts of her body. She left behind 7 children and many grandchildren. She had one daughter and the rest sons. Her daughter Kelly didn't get the chance to have a wedding or a baby while her mother was around and same goes for 2 of her boys. The funeral was surreal. I couldn't grasp it and was very emotional. She is in heaven now to be her childrens guardian angel. They are having a memorial for her tomorrow and just writing this I am all choked up.
I will be there, I have to be, it is just the right thing to do. I need to beg my boss to make up the hours.
Anyways on a lighter note I am getting ready to leave out.
Tomorrow: Is the one year anniversary of when my aunt passed away. A very huge loss to our family. She died of conjestive heart failure but she had breast cancer and it had spread into other parts of her body. She left behind 7 children and many grandchildren. She had one daughter and the rest sons. Her daughter Kelly didn't get the chance to have a wedding or a baby while her mother was around and same goes for 2 of her boys. The funeral was surreal. I couldn't grasp it and was very emotional. She is in heaven now to be her childrens guardian angel. They are having a memorial for her tomorrow and just writing this I am all choked up.
I will be there, I have to be, it is just the right thing to do. I need to beg my boss to make up the hours.
Anyways on a lighter note I am getting ready to leave out.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
car goes vroom vroom
Yep I got my car back. thank god.
He called last night around nine and was going to be done with it around ten. I was excited to get my car back, we drove in the crappy snow storm to get it.
So my car is working good and I so missed it. We are talking big difference in cars.
I have power everything, a defroster, an interior light, no huge blind spot, all of my radio stations programmed, and I know mine better. I don't how many times I almost locked my self out of the car. I am not used to using a key to unlock the doors. i am grateful I got to use his car, but so much more comfortable in mine. So enough about the car.
My weekend consisted of alot of bumming around.
Sunday: I planned to do nothing at all. But that didn't last. I went and got my charlie brown x-mas tree. We retardedly(this is not a word, it came up in spellcheck.I like to make up words) we threw ours out last year. Then Sarah was going to do some shopping and wanted to do x-mas cards. So she picked me up and when we were done with shopping we worked on her x-mas cards. In between I got a chance to talk to my uncle, who had a mechanic that was willing to work on my car. So my chauffeur Sarah followed me across town and then drove me back home. What a great sis. About 12:00am I started working on my tree.
Monday: I slept in until 12:00. I have been sleeping late again. For awhile I couldn't sleep past 8 or 9. So I talked to me Dad and he picked me up to go to Harrahs. He had free buffets and free money to play with. A few hours later, me, Sarah and Dad went to our monthly American Legion meeting. Heres the deal the meeting is at 7:30. Me and Sarah are on time to my Dads house. And he mentions that he thinks it is at 6:30. We were having a x-mas party the same night. So we look in the booklet and he was right. So now we are an hour late and we just met everyone last month. So we are laughing, everyone is done eating or at least finishing. Heres when it gets funnier. Me and Sarah take our coats off and we are wearing the exact same sweater. You've got to be kidding me, we are twinkies. We were eating when the meeting started and I looked at Sarah and she was trying not to laugh, we are not good at keeping in our laughs. I acted like I was coughing. What the F. So we got a fun gift, a $25 gift card from Walmart. I wasn't expecting any gifts. Yeh!!!
Tuesday: I woke up late again. Now when I wake up this late I know I am not gonna get much daylight. So I called Jacki and saw what she was up to. She was just chilling with Mia. So I went over there. Yeh!! I got to see Mia. She is so freaking adorable. She is hilarious. She cracks me up even when she is throwing a tantrum. It just cracks me up. One of the funniest things she did was she had two pairs of brand new shoes still attached with the rubber band. She came run at me shaking them like a baby ninja with numchucks. I couldn't stop laughing and of course it was the funniest thing to her too. She is a crazy monkey. I love her though. She always makes me happy. I checked out Jacki's decked out house for christmas and I got my belated birthday gift, a personalized Starbucks card, sweet huh. So I can add to it or other people could add to it. Very unique. We had fun for the 5 hours I was there. Just like when we are on the phone a small visit turns into a long one without even knowing it. During all of this time a snow storm had started. EEEHHh. So I had to get a million inches of the white fun off of my car. I actually had a snow accumulation on my head by the time I was done. It was a very slow ride home. Me and Dennis made Blts after picking up my car and I forced myself to take a shower because I know I won't in the morning.
He called last night around nine and was going to be done with it around ten. I was excited to get my car back, we drove in the crappy snow storm to get it.
So my car is working good and I so missed it. We are talking big difference in cars.
I have power everything, a defroster, an interior light, no huge blind spot, all of my radio stations programmed, and I know mine better. I don't how many times I almost locked my self out of the car. I am not used to using a key to unlock the doors. i am grateful I got to use his car, but so much more comfortable in mine. So enough about the car.
My weekend consisted of alot of bumming around.
Sunday: I planned to do nothing at all. But that didn't last. I went and got my charlie brown x-mas tree. We retardedly(this is not a word, it came up in spellcheck.I like to make up words) we threw ours out last year. Then Sarah was going to do some shopping and wanted to do x-mas cards. So she picked me up and when we were done with shopping we worked on her x-mas cards. In between I got a chance to talk to my uncle, who had a mechanic that was willing to work on my car. So my chauffeur Sarah followed me across town and then drove me back home. What a great sis. About 12:00am I started working on my tree.
Monday: I slept in until 12:00. I have been sleeping late again. For awhile I couldn't sleep past 8 or 9. So I talked to me Dad and he picked me up to go to Harrahs. He had free buffets and free money to play with. A few hours later, me, Sarah and Dad went to our monthly American Legion meeting. Heres the deal the meeting is at 7:30. Me and Sarah are on time to my Dads house. And he mentions that he thinks it is at 6:30. We were having a x-mas party the same night. So we look in the booklet and he was right. So now we are an hour late and we just met everyone last month. So we are laughing, everyone is done eating or at least finishing. Heres when it gets funnier. Me and Sarah take our coats off and we are wearing the exact same sweater. You've got to be kidding me, we are twinkies. We were eating when the meeting started and I looked at Sarah and she was trying not to laugh, we are not good at keeping in our laughs. I acted like I was coughing. What the F. So we got a fun gift, a $25 gift card from Walmart. I wasn't expecting any gifts. Yeh!!!
Tuesday: I woke up late again. Now when I wake up this late I know I am not gonna get much daylight. So I called Jacki and saw what she was up to. She was just chilling with Mia. So I went over there. Yeh!! I got to see Mia. She is so freaking adorable. She is hilarious. She cracks me up even when she is throwing a tantrum. It just cracks me up. One of the funniest things she did was she had two pairs of brand new shoes still attached with the rubber band. She came run at me shaking them like a baby ninja with numchucks. I couldn't stop laughing and of course it was the funniest thing to her too. She is a crazy monkey. I love her though. She always makes me happy. I checked out Jacki's decked out house for christmas and I got my belated birthday gift, a personalized Starbucks card, sweet huh. So I can add to it or other people could add to it. Very unique. We had fun for the 5 hours I was there. Just like when we are on the phone a small visit turns into a long one without even knowing it. During all of this time a snow storm had started. EEEHHh. So I had to get a million inches of the white fun off of my car. I actually had a snow accumulation on my head by the time I was done. It was a very slow ride home. Me and Dennis made Blts after picking up my car and I forced myself to take a shower because I know I won't in the morning.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My wonderful morning so far....
Well I had to drive Dennis's car today to work. Mine is overheating and I have to get it looked at. Believe me not a happy camper about that. Dennis's car needed gas. So I had to stop in the freezing cold to get gas. WEEE. Then his car when stopped I swear sucks the exhust in through the vents. So that make me sick to my stomach, especially when I hit 98% of the lights on my way here. Ughhhh. By the time I got to work i already had a two calls waiting. And these are the calls that get on my nerves. Problems not are out of our control and we need to find a better solution. So the big deal is I have to wait for a key from security to a locked door that doesn't need to be locked. And security aren't the fastest people. So I still need to do my make-up before I trek out into the cold ass weather to push a button thats it. It takes me longer to put all of my winter clothes on. I ate my breakfast. water and oatmeal. yum So I am trying not to be a raging psycho. But it is so hard. I already have a million and one things on my mind that I try to not think about and the little stupid stuff like, lights not turning on, or empty tissue box, or coat falling off coat rack which lead to throwing hard hat across room. (It didn't need to be on the coat rack so I got it as far as way as i could from me).
Otherwise now that I have vented. I am trying to have a good day. Oh except for the fact that we have a winter storm warning with heavy ice and sleet and horray for me that I don't know Dennis's car enough to drive in this garbage. Things are getting out of my control and I swear I am going to lose it. I have blown a gasket a couple of times in the last few days too.
I will try to think of something upbeat and fuffy and nice to write about later.
I have to do my make-up and freeze my butt off.
Otherwise now that I have vented. I am trying to have a good day. Oh except for the fact that we have a winter storm warning with heavy ice and sleet and horray for me that I don't know Dennis's car enough to drive in this garbage. Things are getting out of my control and I swear I am going to lose it. I have blown a gasket a couple of times in the last few days too.
I will try to think of something upbeat and fuffy and nice to write about later.
I have to do my make-up and freeze my butt off.
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